Page 22 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 22


           fact that scientific investigations   generations or many others in the   improvement (Arahant idea)
           may produce contradictory results   twenty-first century. If someone   is more essential than helping
           at different times. Nevertheless, in   asks me what I think could be done   others (bodhisattva idea). We have
           light of scientific breakthroughs in   to make traditional Buddhism more   to be specific about this issue.
           areas such as democracy, ethics, the   appealing to young people in Asia,   Most Theravāda vihāras/centers
           dynamics of the mind and mental   I could advise the local temples to   do not greet newcomers in the
           factors, environmental protection,   get more young people by showing   same way that newcomers are
           and gender ethics, Buddhism can be   them how they can work with the   welcomed. They have their own
           presented as a feasible resolution   youth-friendly programs. Also, we   way of greeting people that doesn’t
           for contemporary generations.     cannot state that not all Buddhists   welcome newcomers. However,
           This is because Buddhism provides   in Malaysia and Singapore practice   it is not really friendly. On the
           answers to a substantial number   ritualistic Buddhism; yet, many   other hand, if the centres do not
           of questions that are on par with   newcomers study Buddhism and    welcome them properly, it may be
           those answered by science in      go beyond the traditional level of   the newcomers’ first and only visit
           contemporary life. In summary,    understanding Buddhism. However,   to the centres. We should, in fact,
           Buddhism is not a religion or     many people still follow rituals.   study under the Buddha the skill
           philosophy; rather, it is a way of life.   I think it is acceptable so long as   of welcoming others. It is said that
                                             they recognize that it is a ritual and   the Buddha is the first to greet and
           In the West, Buddhism is well     devote more time to practicing the   converse with guests. Furthermore,
           accepted by those who are highly   Buddha’s dhamma teachings.       the Buddha never imposed his
           educated. But in countries like                                     teachings on others, and even when
           Malaysia and Singapore, it is     A possible approach is to direct   those who were receptive to his
           the reverse as Buddhism is seen   the general Buddhist audience to   talks desired to be converted to
           as old fashioned, superstitious   read some Dhamma from authentic   Buddhism, he declined and advised
           and ritualistic in nature. How    sources. Temples may develop      them to maintain their existing faiths
           do you suggest we change this     programs to provide them with     while adhering to the principles of
           perception?                       high-quality Dhamma content.      Buddhism. If this is the manner in
                                             Monastics could talk about how    which the Buddha rewarded novices
           It is possible that by majority it
                                             to distinguish between traditional   and others, then why do most of
           would be so. The primary reason
                                             and cultural Buddhism, as well as   the Theravāda vihāras not follow in
           for this is that cultural Buddhism
                                             how to engage more in dhamma      his footsteps? Why do they operate
           has influenced the decision of
                                             activities that advance the mind.  a vihāra as if it were a site for a
           numerous individuals to adopt
                                                                               non-profit organization that solicits
           Buddhism into their lives. We     A common complaint of many        only donations after conducting
           cannot deny, however, that a      people when they go to a          some dhamma activities? A more
           considerable number of Malaysian   Buddhist temple is the lack of   comprehensive discussion regarding
           and Singaporean Buddhists         warmth compared to when they      this unwelcoming matter is required.
           are studying the religion from    enter a church. Is this due to
           a contemporary standpoint. In     the “come and see” (ehipassiko)   However, if we look at early
           my opinion, the perception that   attitude whereby Buddhists have   Buddhist teachings, we can see
           Asian Buddhism is an antiquated   very little motivation to promote   that the Buddha encouraged us
           doctrine originates primarily     Buddhism to others?               to practice both self-care and
           among elder Asian generations. In
                                                                               other-care simultaneously. If we
           contrast, Buddhism is not regarded   I don’t think it’s related to the
                                                                               encourage both self-care and other-
           as a predominately ritualistic or   concept of come and see. I believe
                                                                               care components, many Buddhist
           superstitious doctrine by the newer   it is linked to the ideal that self-
                                                                               temples (especially Theravāda) will
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