Page 17 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 17


           Ayasma Aggacitta Mindfulness hiking Program  Luangpor Viradhammo Dhamma talk  Ani Thubten Chodron Dhamma talk

           Benny: Were you born into         heavily influenced me in choosing to   professional career and answer a
           a Buddhist family or did you      serve the Buddha Sāsana. Working   higher calling to serve the Buddha
           discover Buddhism later in life?  as a full-time Dhamma worker      Sāsana by working at PBHS.

                                             provides me with a right livelihood,
           Leonard: Born into a typical      and also offers many opportunities   What do you find most fulfilling in
           Malaysian Chinese family, as a child,   to serve and learn from the   your role as Program Director for
           I prayed to deities from the Taoist,   monastics and Dhamma teachers   Bodhi Heart Sanctuary?
           Chinese folk religion, and Buddhist   visiting PBHS.
           pantheon. After my beloved maternal                                 On a personal level, I am content
           grandmother passed away in my     Brother Hor Kwei Loon, one of the   in the knowledge that the efforts
           early teens, I turned to spirituality   invited teachers to our Dhamma   and hard work I put into organizing
           for solace. After a few spiritual mis-  Study Group in USM, introduced   or scheduling Dhamma talks,
           adventures, I finally (re)turned to   me to PBHS after its establishment.   teachings and meditation retreats is
           Buddhism and joined the regular   After graduation, I joined some   accumulating puñña and kusala for
           evening chanting at Si Qing Zhu   of the Dhamma classes and talks   my own spiritual development. At
           Shuang Lin Monastery, where my    irregularly but took up the role to   the same time, I am able to cultivate
           grandmother’s memorial plaque was   offer Sunday breakfast dāna for the   compassion and loving kindness by
           interred. Being Mandarin illiterate,   monastics in PBHS.           creating opportunities for interested
           I chanted sutras using hanyu pinyin                                 individuals to learn and practice
           and rote memorization. When I     In 2011, a family tragedy which   the Dhamma to ease themselves
           entered Penang Free School, I joined   claimed the lives of my paternal   from their defilements. Also, being
           the Buddhist Students Society     grandparents and my dad’s         able to serve visiting monastics and
           then affiliated with Mahindarama   longtime employee happened on    Dhamma teachers means that I have
           Buddhist Temple. That started the   the same night that I had been   unique opportunities to discuss
           journey of my formal Dhamma       discharged from Penang Adventist   the Dhamma, clear my doubts and
           learning up to today.             Hospital for severe dengue        to learn directly from them on a
                                             hemorrhagic fever. Following that,   personal basis while accumulating
           What inspired you in the Buddha’s   I faced severe panic attacks and   merits and blessings through my acts
           teaching that you have chosen to   bouts of depression for about two   of serving and looking after them.
           be a full time Dharma worker, and   years. A Tibetan nun visiting PBHS
           why Bodhi Heart Sanctuary?        helped me to begin my journey     The aim of a Buddhist

                                             toward recovery. Encouraged       practitioner is to cultivate the
           The Buddha’s teachings on         by the positive changes, I made   Bodhi heart. How would a non-
           interdependent cause and effect   the decision to relinquish my     sectarian Buddhist do it?
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