Page 16 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 16


           program, introduced in 1979. It can serve you well if   What do you think? Does it help to have the expanded
           you’re engaged in mindfulness practice for practical   Buddhist definition of mindfulness or are you satisfied
           reasons—like less stress, less pain, or less anxiety.  with the popular one?

           The Buddhist definition of mindfulness adds the    Sources:
           connotation of remembering, recollecting, and calling to   •  Mindfulness: The Mental Factors Involved by Dr.
           mind. In this context, mindfulness also encompasses a   Alexander Berzin
           caring attitude, which can make the difference between   •  The Way of Shamatha Retreat, Session 6 with
           your behaviors resulting in happiness or suffering.   Buddhist scholar Alan Wallace  EH

           Leonard (left) with Dorje Lopon Dr Hun Lye  With Theinggu Sayadaw Pon Nya Thay Hta   With Luangpor Jumnean (second from the
                                             (middle)                          right)

           A Non-Sectarian Bodhi Heart

           By Leonard Luar

           Leonard Luar developed a deep     of a multinational corporation.   a Buddhist teacher in the PLKN
           interest in the Buddha’s teachings   However, he gave up his career   program for 6 years. He was also
           during his teenage years. He has   to serve the Buddha Sāsana       invited to give public lectures
           met many teachers but is mainly   leading to his current role as the   on Buddhist-related topics for
           following Dorje Lopon Dr Lye      Program Manager at Penang         organizations like the Penang
           Hun Yeow of the Drikung Kagyu     Bodhi Heart Sanctuary (PBHS). He   Tourist Guides Association.
           lineage. Leonard is also familiar   is responsible for daily operations,   Benny Liow invited Leonard to
           with meditation techniques        scheduling and organizing         share his thoughts with Eastern
           taught by Theinggu Sayadaw        logistics for retreats and events   Horizon which also champions a
           Pon Nya Thay Hta and Luangpor     both internal and external. He also   non-sectarian approach on what
           Jumnean Seelasetho.               supports and looks after visiting   it means to be a non-sectarian
                                             monastics in PBHS.                Dharma practitioner especially
           Graduating from Universiti Sains                                    in Malaysia where many
           Malaysia with a Bachelor’s degree   He has taught Dhamma classes    Buddhist centers and temples
           (Zoology), he worked for four     for students from schools, colleges   are established along very much
           years in the due diligence division   and universities and served as   traditional lineages.
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