Page 20 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 20


           Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfileds One Day retreat 2023  Tiratana Vihara Retreat 2023 Klang                            Tiratana Vihara Retreat 2023 Klang

                                             How to Promote

                                             Buddhism in the

                                             Modern World?

                                             By Ven Dr G Chandima

           Venerable Dr. Gangodawila         Benny Liow contacted Bhante       Vajrayāna), I use the term “Patisota”
           Chandima is the Associate         and requested for an interview    to explain the early teachings of
           Editor of the Journal of          for Eastern Horizon, which is     Buddhism. When Buddhists base
           International Buddhist Studies    reproduced as follows:            their practice on school Buddhism,
           (JIBS), which is published by the   Benny: Your official Facebook   they often do not understand or
           Buddhist Research Institute of    page is called Paṭisota. What is the   follow the true dhamma. This
           Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya    meaning of Paṭisota and how do    is why it is critical to learn early
           University in Thailand. He was    you use it to promote Buddhism?   Buddhism, which is the foundation
           previously a research fellow at                                     for school Buddhism. Early Buddhism
                                                                               teaches true dhamma. Learning
           the Centre for Studies in Religion   Chandima: “Going upstream” is
                                                                               and practicing true dhamma is a
           and Society (CSRS), University of   the meaning of the term Patisota.
                                                                               challenging yet fulfilling path. I utilize
           Victoria, Canada. Bhante was also   In this context, “upstream” refers   Patisota to help people in discovering
           the Theravada Buddhist Chaplain   to following the Noble Eightfold   and incorporating early Buddhism
           at the University of British      Path. Many people’s life paths are   into their dhamma journey, which is
                                             typically “downstream,” meaning
           Columbia in Vancouver, Canada,                                      based on the Noble Eightfold Path. My
                                             they follow the flow of others on
           from 2012 to 2016. He is currently                                  outreach on the Patisota Facebook
                                             their way to unskilful activities
           the senior advisor to Patisota, a                                   page is primarily to promote
                                             (akusala). For those who seek
           virtual dhamma organization that   to follow in the footsteps of the   undiluted Buddhism (early Buddhism
           hosts a weekly online Pali Reading   Buddha, their path may often   and not school Buddhism). To do this,
           Class, Sutta discussions, dhamma   involve going against the grain of   I organize dhamma sharing in the
           talks, and a variety of other     the general public (upstream).    form of presentations, discussions,
           dhamma. activities. His dhamma                                      retreats, interviews with Buddhist
           activities can be accessed at     Since many Buddhists follow school   scholars and general practitioners
     Buddhism (Theravāda/ Mahāyāna/    and other activities.
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