Page 19 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 19


           Annual CNY Burmese Novitiate Program  Annual CNY Burmese Novitiate Program  Ayasma Aggacitta Meditation Retreat

           than an international buffet with   of all visiting teachers. Rather,   particular challenges of this sort.
           diverse dishes with its distinct   more importantly to us is that   Are there like-minded Buddhist
           flavors and unique preparations. It is   the Sanctuary strives to provide   organizations that are non-
           up to the individual to decide what   diverse options and alternatives   sectarian that you could work
           to eat; some are able to sample and   from the 84000 Dhamma doors for   closely with in your programs for
           appreciate all the varieties of food   everyone’s benefit.          the public?
           available while for the majority, they
           will need to choose carefully to avoid   Do you face challenges from   The beauty of being a non-sectarian
           allergies, indigestion or maybe due   temples which teach a specific   Buddhist organization is that we
           to their selective taste buds.    tradition with regards to your    are able to collaborate with any
                                             activities that embrace all       Buddhist groups, both sectarian
           We guide beginners by suggesting   traditions?                      and non-sectarian. In organizing
           meditation teachers and techniques                                  teaching tours for Buddhist teachers
           as a starting point, helping them to   PBHS is fortunate in that when it   and monastics as well as other
           explore available options and find   was established, it had received   Buddhist activities, PBHS has had
           a suitable practice. For experienced   little criticism in regards to our   opportunities and honor to work
           practitioners facing challenges in   stated aim of “non-sectarianism.”   with like-minded organizations
           their progress, we also offer advice   Most of the Buddhist temples,   such as the Malaysian Buddhist
           on alternative techniques if they   monasteries and Dhamma centers   Association, Butterworth Lay
           approach us for help.             were supportive and over the years,   Buddhist Society, and Seck Kia Eenh
                                             I believe that they understood the   Temple among others.
           Individuals who have identified   aim of PBHS. That said, personally,
           a suitable technique can opt to   I also think that any organization   If there are any Buddhist
           exclusively attend teachings from a   or individuals who are grasping   organizations, whether sectarian
           specific teacher or teachers within   strongly to their view of orthodoxy   or non-sectarian, that share our
           the same tradition. Advanced      or their teachings and practice as   commitment to strengthen and
           Dhamma practitioners may attend   being the only right one would    support the Buddha Sāsana, we
           various teachings, incorporating   have naturally avoided engaging   would be most delighted to explore
           elements to support and enhance   PBHS. We also consistently remind   opportunities for collaboration.
           their personal spiritual progress.   visiting teachers and organizers to   We also extend a warm invitation
                                             refrain from unwarranted criticism   to interested Buddhist groups to
           In short, devotees at the Sanctuary   or belittling of other traditions,   utilize our facilities for their retreats
           are not required to attend the    teachers or practices. So, to this   and teachings.    EH
           teachings and meditation practice   question, no, we do not face any
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