Page 18 - EH 73 May 2024
P. 18


           Zen retreat by the teacher and students of Hoeh Beng Zen Temple     Thai and Burmese monastics (monks and
                                                                               sayalays) pindapata and dana

           Cultivating the Bodhi heart, or   differences in teachings perceived   the trust of unsuspecting local
           Bodhicitta, is ideally the same for   by the individual often arise from   Buddhist devotees.
           all Buddhists, regardless of their   ignorance and a limited, biased
           sectarian affiliations. Guided by   understanding. Similar to the   Wouldn’t it be confusing for your
           compassion and wisdom, our        parable of the blind men and the   devotees if they were to practice
           aspiration should be to attain    elephant, we may quarrel, insisting   a particular form of meditation
           enlightenment for the well-       the teachings we follow are the only   from a teacher of one tradition,
           being of all beings by avoiding   correct ones, yet truthfully, we are   only to change it to another
           unwholesomeness, performing       only grasping a small part of the   technique when a master from
           wholesomeness and purifying the   entire truth.                     a different tradition came along
           mind.                                                               to teach his form of meditation
                                             You have invited teachers from    technique?

           Just as there are many ways to    different traditions to Bodhi
           cook an egg with the ultimate aim   Heart Sanctuary. How do you     Let me clarify the concept of
           of satisfying our hunger, so too are   ensure they are authentic    “non-sectarianism” at PBHS. We
           there many methods and ways to    Buddhist teachers and not cult    are not attempting to create or
           cultivate Bodhicitta and achieve   leaders?                         endorse a new blended Buddhist
           liberation from Dukkha for the sake                                 practice (“rojak”) by combining
           of all beings. Choose the mode of   I am truly grateful for my      practices from different traditions
           practice that suits you, and refrain   experience from my previous   and lineages. Instead, we provide
           from condemning or belittling     career in the due diligence field.   a safe space at PBHS for the
           others’ practices.                Using online and offline resources,   Buddhist teachings and practice
                                             I can assess reputational, criminal,   from any tradition, lineage or sect.
           I truly believe that the individual’s   and legal risks of the teacher.   We recognize and fully accept the
           kamma will heavily influence      This process helps me to make     diversity of meditation techniques
           their spiritual foundation within   informed decisions including    and practices within the Buddhist
           a specific Buddhist tradition.    rejecting invitations or applications   community and consider all of them
           Once, he has diligently settled into   if necessary. Furthermore, I will   equally valid and true as long as they
           a specific Buddhist practice, he   actively network and connect with   align with the teachings of the Lord
           should respect and acknowledge the   local and international Buddhist   Gautama Buddha.
           teachings, practices, and meditation   communities, Dhamma centers,
           techniques from other Buddhist    and leaders in relevant traditions   Our aim of inviting different
           traditions and lineages as part of   to discern authentic teachers from   Buddhist teachers with differing
           the vast Dhamma teachings. Any    those who may attempt to exploit   meditation techniques is no different
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