Page 56 - EH70
P. 56
more than themselves, plus they are ethically pure, Ming Wei: Now that we are in the digital generation,
spiritually wise, and well-read in the scriptures at all there is a need for Buddhists to incorporate new
levels of Buddha’s teachings including Vajrayana. technologies into the education systems to keep pace
with modern methods. Therefore, internet is one of the
How have your teacher(s) inspired you? And how most effective ways to learn Dharma as well. Of course,
have these affected your practice of Buddhism? it’s okay and even necessary to go back when we need
the teacher to clarify certain things or pieces of advice
Aggacitta: After I read The Way of Zen, my personal but we should not completely dependent on them.
experiential verification of the cause of mental suffering Therefore, Buddhism says to regard everyone as our
and the subsequent reduction of desires and attachment teacher, as long as we can learn from them.
led me to monkhood and I am sustained by it till today.
I knew nothing about Alan Watts then, but his book Dadul: Through formal lessons and teachings as well as
changed my life drastically for the better. through back-and-forth discussions, but mostly through
observing their personal conduct on a regular basis and
Ming Wei: My teacher always shows me the principle watching them handle things and apply Dharma in real
of the Three Dharma Seals. He stresses the study and life situations.
understanding of Buddhism from the principle and
standpoint of the Three Dharma Seals in order to How did you cultivate and maintain a positive
facilitate the grasp of the essence of Buddhism. These relationship with your teacher(s)?
three teachings of the Buddha are: impermanence, no
self and nirvana. The Three Dharma Seals are used Aggacitta: Gratitude, deference, and timely assistance.
as standard to determine whether or not a sutra or a
doctrine was valid; if it meets these three standards, Ming Wei: As the Buddha told us you are your own
it was determined to be a valid Buddhist teaching and saviour. Be a refuge unto yourself, seek no refuge in
assurance on the authenticity of doctrines. others. Again, the Buddha says, Dharma is our teacher,
he just shows the path of his teachings. Therefore, a
Dadul: Mostly through walking their talks, i.e., by healthy relationship with our teacher means that he
being living examples of the path and instructions they or she should guide us to grow at our own pace and
imparted to others. It kind of gave a special weight to become a Buddha ourselves; not one who would want
what they would say and commanded a special trust in us to become dependent on him or her.
them and their words. I also tried, as much as possible,
to imitate that and this has benefitted me in my practice, Dadul: Mainly through developing admiration and
at least to the extent I have managed to live up to them. reverence for them— admiration for their qualities
and reverence out of gratitude for their kindness to
What have been some of the most effective way(s) me. Once one has committed to a formal relationship,
you have learnt the Dharma from your spiritual then it would only make sense to focus more on their
master? excellence and kindness on a regular basis rather
than dwell on their perceived faults. For, that way
Aggacitta: An important teaching common to Zen and one would always gain more spiritual strengths
Theravāda is: Teachers only point the way; you have to and valuable insights into ways to proceed or even
walk it, i.e. put in the effort to get to the destination. But otherwise. In the face of open disagreement with the
to be able to do so effectively, the teacher’s instructions teacher, I try not to lose sight of those same qualities
must be structured and clearly explained in an easily and kindness showered on me and thus not risk falling
understandable manner. That was the most important into any negative attitude towards them. At the same
thing I learnt from Sayadaw U Pandita. time, I would be upright in presenting my viewpoint