Page 57 - EH70
P. 57
considering general Buddhist principles and guidelines Therefore, I think that it may be better to investigate the
I have learned up to that point and brace for more efficacy of his teachings:
understanding and insights. In short, trying to approach
such situations in the true spirit of Dharma. 1. Is it systematic and clear?
2. Does it suit you?
For someone new to Buddhism, trying to search for 3. Does it lead to composure and clarity of mind?
a spiritual teacher, what would be your advice so 4. Does it include the development of wisdom,
that he can find the right Dharma teacher? assuming you are looking for it?
5. Does it lead to the reduction of unwholesome mental
Aggacitta: Ideally, the best spiritual teacher is one who states and the increase of wholesome mental states?
is truly awakened and whose teaching style and method 6. Does it lead to the reduction of mind-rooted
is suitable for you. suffering?
7. Does it lead to more contentment and happiness in
Caṅkī Sutta (MN 95) gives a very detailed and your life?
comprehensive procedure for selecting an awakened
teacher and how to realise the truth by following him. If all the answers are “Yes”, I think it is quite safe to
follow his or her teachings.
This can be summarised as follows:
Ming Wei: In Mahayana tradition, the right Dharma
1. He investigates the teacher’s conduct: With his teacher will guide us to develop Bodhicitta, following
mind obsessed by greed, hate or delusion, might he the Bodhisattva path. A Bodhisattva is someone who
profess to know or see when he had not known or strives to attain enlightenment for the sake of all
seen (the Dhamma), or urge others to act in a way sentient beings. Through this vow one also has to
that would lead to their detriment? cultivate the Six Perfections, as a base of training for
2. He notices that the Dhamma that the teacher teaches those looking to achieve enlightenment.
is profound, hard to see and hard to understand,
peaceful and sublime, not the sphere of mere The Six Perfections are:
reasoning, subtle, to be experienced by the wise. 1. Generosity,
3. Then he places faith in him, visits him, attends to 2. Morality,
him, gives ear, hears the Dhamma, memorises it, 3. Patience,
and examines the meaning of the teachings he has 4. Perseverance,
memorised. 5. Concentration,
4. He gains a considered acceptance of those teachings 6. Wisdom.
and zeal springs up.
5. He tries out his teachings, scrutinises their efficacy, These perfections are commonly associated with
strives and realises the truth. Bodhisattvas seeking to perfect themselves and become
However, it is difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain
another’s awakening, particularly at the lower two Dadul: I personally think the safest way to proceed is to
levels of stream-entry and once-return. first learn about the qualities required of an authentic
spiritual teacher. What are the common qualities to
look for in a spiritual teacher across the board and what
are the specific additional qualities for them to have
for progressive advanced levels of practice and lessons
that one may be seeking or may seek in the future. To