Page 18 - I Have Fatty Liver:What Does It Mean and What Should I Do?
P. 18

Life Education


        How to gauge whether a psychiatric patient is exposed to drugs
        which may impair the liver causing it to be fatty?

             In general, all medication has their respective side effects and some do
             cause fatty liver. However, the doctor who treats the patient will have to
             weigh the risks and benefits for the medication to be prescribed and
             hence the best would be for the patient to discuss on this with the doctor.

             Again, it is important to have healthy diet, regular exercise and limit

             alcohol consumption which would reduce a person’s risk of getting
             metabolic syndrome and subsequently developing fatty liver/liver

        A person with gall bladder removed and angioplasty has higher
        possibility of liver dysfunction?

             For a person that underwent an angioplasty procedure, it is quite clear

             that the same person has cardiovascular disease risk or metabolic
             syndrome and tends to have fatty liver disease.

             In terms of gall bladder, gall stones tend to develop among overweight or
             obese populations and there’s a link between having gall stones and fatty
             liver disease. However, gall stones itself will not directly impact the liver

             unless the stone has dislodged from the gallbladder and is blocking the
             bile duct, causing an increase in liver enzymes but that is a completely
             different matter.

        What is the lower limit of BMI for healthy weight?

             Underweight being categorised as BMI < 18.5 kg/m . Although
             overweight and obese is a health concern, being underweight is not
             healthy either.
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