Page 6 - I Have Fatty Liver:What Does It Mean and What Should I Do?
P. 6

Life Education

        Symptoms of Decompensated Cirrhosis

        (Late Stage Liver Failure)

            ▪ Jaundice
                Yellowish discolouration of skin

            ▪ Generalized Body Swelling

            ▪ Coagulopathy
                Blood not able to clot causing easy bruising and bleeding

            ▪ Hepatic Encephalopathy

                Central nerval system disorder caused by liver dysfunction that
                may result in confusion/coma

            ▪ Ascites
                Fluid accumulation in abdomen

            ▪ Variceal Bleeding
                Bleeding from blood vessels in the gullet and stomach

            ▪ Hepatorenal Syndrome

                Kidney failure resulting from liver failure

            ▪ Hepatocellular Carcinoma
                Liver Cancer

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