Page 80 - Applied Buddhism
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this new phenomenon must be called money-religion. In money-
           religion, people are prepared to spend on the average US$ 349,000
           (based on 2005 statistics) to convert a person.                                       T he                                    We must always
                                                                                             Global Ethic                              be mindful that any
               Money-religion is upsetting the social and religious demography                                                           ethical codes, no
           in many parts of the world. It de-stabilises societies, sometimes                 Declaration and                             matter how well
           even causing violence amongst the people there. In all sincerity, we
           must ask ourselves, are we really helping those poor souls living                 The Teaching of                            formulated, are by
           in underdeveloped countries, or do we have a bigger, but not so                                                             nature abstract and
           religious agenda, behind?  Already this problem is disrupting the                 Common Values                           absolute. When applied
           peace and harmony of certain societies.  Are we prepared to tackle                                                         to real life situations,
           this issue?                                                                                                               problems are bound to


               Peace among religions is possible if we are prepared to deal
           with the issues in a sincere and honest manner. Followers of                          The Global Ethic,  adopted in the form of a Declaration
           religions must begin the journey of peace by first destroying the                 Towards a Global Ethic by the Parliament of World’s Religion on
           weapons of mass destruction within our minds, and believe in what                 Sept. 4, 1993, was based on one vision, which is “No peace among
           we professed to believe.  We must be prepared to diminish the self                the nations without peace among the religions; no peace among
           and embrace others, so as to cut across religious barriers. These                 the religions without dialogue between religions; and no dialogue
           are our internal duties. Our external duties include taking action                between the religions without global ethical standards.”  This vision
           against all forms of violence and resolving the structural problems               clearly underlines the importance of having a global ethic.
           that perpetuate injustice, conflict, and violence.
                                                                                                 Religion is one of the major contributory factors, along with
                                                                                             politics, economics, and the environment, in shaping major events
                                                                                             in the world. As such, there is a need to ensure that religions play a
           (Speech at an interfaith forum held at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia on 17-3-2007
                                                                                             positive rather than a negative role. Many conflicts and bloodshed
                                                                                             have occurred due to attempts by religions to dominate one
                                                                                             another. If no positive steps are taken to prevent such conflicts from
                                                                                             happening, it will continue in the future.

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