Page 78 - Applied Buddhism
P. 78
Act Against Violence Resolving the Structural Issues
As religionists, we should not only avoid violence, but also Peace is not possible if people feel deprived or aggrieved.
prevent injustice and violence from being released in the name of Most deprivations are rooted in man-made structures or systems
religion. To quote Phra Paisan Visalo, “when tens of thousands are that perpetuate these problems. When these problems, which are
killed in a land where religion has deeply planted its root, it can be social in nature, take on the tone of religion, they become problems
seen that that religion is a failure…Perhaps most religious leaders of religion. Religionists and politicians must therefore be prepared
and devotees do not support violence, but their passivity and to tackle and resolve these problems.
inaction enables the few who worship violence to hijack religion
and use religion to legitimise violence at will.” Religionists must bear in mind that while they have the
“internal duties” of lending a helping hand to the sick and needy,
In a message, the (former) Prime Minister of Malaysia, they also have the “external duties” of amending or transforming
Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, said that a country should the structure that contribute to social injustice and violence.
not allow a few self-proclaimed vanguards of religion to preach
intolerance and hatred towards other religions. He deserves praise Some of the structural issues confronting multi-religious
for this courageous remark. All religionists must have the courage Malaysian society are the legal quagmire between Islam and other
to collaborate and condemn all forms of violence without fearing religions, the limitation or obstacles imposed on erection of new
retaliation by extremists and fundamentalists. At the same time, places of worship, the bull-dozing away of ancient temples to
we should, as suggested by Phra Paisan Visalo, cooperate with one give way to development, the lack of burial ground and so on.
another to protect religion and places of worship – along with the These problems need to be carefully resolved to ensure a stable and
personal security of religious leaders. peaceful society.
Recently, when Hindu temples in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan Other problems include poverty, lack of social facilities such
were bull-dozed away to make way for development, Farish A Noor, as health-care and education, and lack of opportunities for growth.
a Muslim political scientist, spoke against it. In Indonesia, when Dimensions of these situations can be worsened through religious
some terrorists were attacking Christians, their Muslim neighbours abuse. Hence, it is imperative that these problems are properly
provided protection. When the Thai army killed more than 80 addressed and resolved with skill and care.
people in southern Thailand, Buddhists in Malaysia issued press
statements condemning this act of violence. These are examples of In the wake of globalisation, a new issue has emerged. This is
action against violence. the cross-boundary, overuse of large resources: financial, manpower,
media and technology to canvass for more religious followers. If the
use of financial resources in politics is called money politics, then
066 Applied Buddhism Applied Buddhism 067