Page 77 - Applied Buddhism
P. 77

claim to believe, many of the problems, conflicts, and violence in   In addition, nurtured by this delusion of Self, we see our religion
 this world would disappear.   If we really believe that all men and   as perfect and superior to others, to the extent that we are prepared
 women are creatures of the “Almighty” whom we submit ourselves   to suppress others so that our religion eventually become the sole,
 to, then we would not inflict any form of violence on them. If we   perfect vehicle of salvation for all. Put in a softer tone, we would
 truly believe that all men and women are endowed with the Bodhi   like to see that all others are converted into our religion.
 seeds  of  enlightenment,  how  could  we  bring  ourselves  to  inflict
 sufferings on them?  The “self plus religion” becomes the greatest poison on earth.
        It is for this reason that  bloodshed, violence,  and tragedies  had
 If we truly believe in our belief systems where we are advised   occurred in the past.
 to be kind to others, to be generous, and to love others, then we
 would act accordingly. If we do not do those things but the exact   This barrier of “us” and “them” must be dismantled.  This is no
 opposite, then obviously we will not believe in those teaching or   easy task of course. To begin with, followers of all religions must
 adhere to such belief systems.  see others as human beings.  No religion teaches us to discriminate
        against other human beings.  All religions claim to be universal,
 You are what you believe in. You are what you worship, says   meant for all human beings. If we truly believe in this claim, then
 Dr. Maxwell Matz.  If you really believe your religion stands for   let us not divide between “us” and “them”.
 peace and love, then you will act in a peaceful and loving way.
            Secondly, there must be dialogue among followers of religions.
 Transcending Religious Barriers  (Religions  cannot  have  dialogue,  only  their  followers can).   By
        dialogue, I do not mean verbal dialogue alone. I mean there must
 Human beings, driven by the concept of “Self”, tend to divide   be greater interaction  such as visiting each other during social
 and classify themselves according to race, religion, nationality, etc.   functions, festive seasons, and religious days.  We must also be
 This has not only led to division between “us “ and “them” but   prepared to visit places of worship of other religions and pay our
 also to callous disregard for the others – even to the point of seeing   due respect.
 others as enemies.
            Let us all uphold the golden rule.  Let us not try to compete in the
 Because  of  this  concept  of  self,  we  justify  at  all  cost  the   market place of religion for more followers. To be fair, we should,
 injustices and violence we commit on others, while we condemn   out of our own conviction, preach our faiths, but let us not resort to
 others for violating our human rights and injustice to our “kind”.   unethical means and coercive approach.  Unethical conversion is
 We conveniently forget the Golden Rule of “Do not do to others   one of the causes of violence in many parts of the world.
 what you do not wish others do to you.”

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