Page 74 - Applied Buddhism
P. 74

must therefore begin our journey of peace within the mind. It is also
                                                                                             within our minds that we will find the greatest weapons of mass
                                       Peace is not possible if people                       destruction, i.e. greed, hatred, and delusion. Destroy these weapons
                                      feel deprived or aggrieved. Most                       of mass destruction and peace will be within reach.

           P eace
                                       deprivations are rooted in man-                           We must always mind our mind in whatever we are doing. In
                                        made structures or systems
           among                      that perpetuate these problems.                        that  way  we  can  reduce  much  conflict  and  violence. Watch  our
                                                                                             minds and ask ourselves, “Am I doing this with a pure mind of non-
                                        When these problems, which
           Religions                   are social in nature, take on the                     greed, non-hatred, and non-delusion? Or am I grounded in greed,
                                                                                             hatred and delusion?”
                                        tone of religion, they become

                                      problems of religion. Religionists                         Be true to ourselves. We can be followers of a particular religion
                                      and politicians must therefore be                      and claim to be peace-loving, and yet we often, without watching
                                       prepared to tackle and resolve                        our minds, act in unkind manners to others. Worst still, we try to
                                               these problems.                               justify our unkindness to others in the name of our religion. We
                                                                                             suppress others and impose our will on them, thinking that this is
                                                                                             the way to promote our religion.

               Much too often, we religionists  gather and congratulate                          Sometimes, we think we act justly and kindly, even when we
           ourselves on how wonderful and peaceful we are, or how wonderful                  snatch away the fundamental human rights of others or kill innocent
           and peaceful our religions are. We would deliberate on a few abstract             people, thinking that we are doing a great service to our religion.
           concepts without relating to the real world and then go back to our               If it has been an honest watch over the mind, one would come to
           comfortable homes. This morning, I am not going to deal with those                know that these are acts of greed and hatred under the delusion
           wonderful concepts about peace, and I am not going to tell you how                of promoting one’s religion. With this realisation, one would then
           wonderful you are, but to put forth a few practical suggestions for               mindfully discard these acts.
           the deliberation of this august assembly of religious people.
                                                                                                 There is no true peace unless and until we are prepared to watch
               Mind Our Minds                                                                our minds and act with a pure mind.

               In the preamble to the UN Charter, it is mentioned, “wars begin                   Believe in Our Beliefs
           in the minds; and it is in the minds that the defences of peace must
           be built.”  Truly, violence and conflicts begin in the mind, and we                   As followers of religions,  if we really  believe  in what we

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