Page 70 - Applied Buddhism
P. 70

Moreover, the diversity in religious beliefs, in reality, is much             system.
           more diverse than we can imagine. Two individuals may believe in
           the same belief system or sub-system, yet their beliefs are not likely                Pluralist approach – This approach claims that not only no one
           to be the same. For example, all of us may claim that we believe in               specific religious system is superior (as a non-exclusivist does) but
           god, yet when we are asked to pen down our beliefs or understanding               also makes the positive claim that more than one basic belief system
           of god, some will write “god has form”, some will write “god has                  is equally close to the truth.
           no form”. Some will write “god is light”, some will write “god is
           love”. Some will write “god is everywhere” while some will write                      The Pluralist approach is widely practiced by Chinese, Japanese
           “god is in heaven”, and so on. This is epistemological diversity.                 and South Americans. Many Chinese believe in Buddhism, Taoism,
                                                                                             Confucianism  and traditional  Chinese beliefs  at the same time.
               Then we have diversity in practice. People professing the same                Many Japanese follow both Buddhism and Shintoism, while many
           belief system, or sub-system, may differ in their practice of prayers,            South Americans practice a mixture of Catholicism and indigenous
           religious obligations, clothing, food, etc.                                       beliefs.

               Apart from that, we also see cultural diversity: people professing                For those of us who are brought up to follow the exclusivist
           the same belief system or sub-system, are seen to be performing                   approach, we may find it hard to believe that people can actually
           rites, festivals, customs and traditions in many different ways.                  adopt the pluralistic approach. However, if we examine in greater
                                                                                             detail, we can find the rationale for adopting it.
               Dealing with Diversity
                                                                                                 First  of all, the  pluralists rationalise  that  all established
               How do followers of belief systems deal with the diverse forms                religions or belief systems are offered in total packages. What they
           of belief systems? Philosophers have identified and generally agreed              do is to pick and choose that part of the package that suit them,
           that there are three approaches adopted by human beings.                          regardless of whether that part of the package is labeled under a
                                                                                             particular religion, and in this way they get the best of everything.
               The three approaches are:                                                     This custom-made approach is, at least to them, much better that
                                                                                             the exclusivist approach of adopting the lock, stock and barrel of a
               Exclusivist approach – this approach believes that the religious              particular religion - the lock may be good but the stock and barrel
           perspective of only one basic belief system to be the truth.                      may be out of order.

               Non-exclusivist  approach –  this  approach  denies  that  the                    They also believe that all roads lead to Rome, so to stick to a
           religious perspective of any belief system is superior to other belief            particular religious label is really not important, and may in fact
                                                                                             be foolish. It is much “safer’ and “wiser” to believe in all religions

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