Page 69 - Applied Buddhism
P. 69

look at the world we live in. Scientists have recorded 20,000 species   This “I”, “We” consciousness is further reinforced by the
 of fishes, 6000 species of reptiles, 9,000 species of birds, 1,000   dualistic thinking of Ying-Yang, Male-female, Sun-Moon, Right-
 species of amphibians, 15,000 species of mammals, 1,000,000   Wrong, Good-Bad, etc.,  So “I”  and  “We”  are  associated  with
 species of insects and 300,000 species of plants. Isn’t this diverse   “Right” and “Good” while others are associated with “Wrong” and
 enough?    “Bad”. This kind of dualistic thinking runs counter to the diverse
        nature of the world, and those who try to impose this thinking on
 Human beings are considered one single species, but within   others actually inflict suffering onto others.
 this single species there are 7 billion individuals, each differing
 from one another. No two individual human beings are the same.   By the way, Ying-Yang symbol is not dualistic as mistaken by
 The word ‘individual’ carries the connotation of being distinct and   many. In the symbol, within the Ying (black) there is Yang (white),
 separate from others of the same kind. Every single human being   and within the Yang there is Ying, meaning within good there is
 is unique! Hence you can see that the human race by itself is also   some bad, within bad there is some good, or within the masculine
 diverse.  nature there is some feminine nature, and vice versa. This is a more
        realistic interpretation of the Ying-Yang symbol.
 This norm of diversity is the support or Dharma (the world
 Dharma comes from the root word  Dhar, meaning that which   Diversity in Religion
 supports, or that which upholds, or that which hold things together)
 that makes the world operate the way we see today. With diversity,   In religious beliefs,  we also see a great  number of diverse
 the biological food chains continue. With diversity, reproduction   religions in this world.  There are easily more than 20 belief systems
 of the species continues. With diversity, you and I can enjoy extra   in the world, and each with several sub-belief systems.
 public holidays while others are celebrating their religious festivals.
            The major belief systems in Malaysia are as shown in the chart
 However, despite the obvious fact that diversity is the norm,   below.
 some people tried to go against this norm – by trying to make
 everyone else the same as “I”.  This is because in every human
 being, there is this consciousness of being an “individual”, or “ego”.
 When this ego is strong and intense, there is a strong tendency to
 make everyone else the same as our own “ego”. At times this ego is
 expanded to include people, things or events that we considered as
 the same as us – the “Wego”, in this case we tried to make everyone
 else the same as “We”.

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