Page 73 - Applied Buddhism
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available.   statements, in the context of the marital relationship and especially
        in intimate moments, are certainly true. But the husband would balk
 We must also understand that very few people choose their own   if asked to take an oath that there is absolutely no other woman
 religions. Most people inherit a religion.  And when you inherit a   in the world as beautiful as his wife or no other woman whom he
 pluralistic religion, you need not have to offer an explanation as to   could possibly love and marry. That would be using a different kind
 why you adopt a pluralistic religion, you simply do so proudly, very   of language in a very different context. (Quoted from Paul Knitter).
 much the same as when you inherit an exclusive religion.
            So a more rational approach would be to follow the following
 This is best illustrated  by the remarks made  by Rigoberta   advice  given by the Buddha: “If a person has conviction,  his
 Menchu (The Nobel Prize laureate from Guatemala), “My mother’s   statement, ‘This is my conviction,’ upholds the truth. But he doesn’t
 religion was the Mayan faith, and my father was a Catholic. We,   yet come to the definite conclusion that ‘Only this is true; anything
 their children, learnt the two ways of intense prayer and belief from   else is worthless.’ To this extent, Bharadvaja, there is the upholding
 them. The Creator knows how to deal with that”. So what we see as   of the truth. To this extent one upholds the truth.” (MN95)
 an epistemological problem is not a problem at all, at least for the
 pluralists.  Conclusion

 The  exclusivist  approach  – For those people  who adopt  the   Ladies and gentlemen,  I would like to conclude my short
 exclusivist approach, they would like to maintain that their religion   presentation  with  two  important  messages:  firstly,  we  must
 is more superior. But is this rational? Before one can claim that   acknowledge  and accept the truth of diversity, and secondly,
 one’s religion is superior to that  of others, one should study all   whatever your approach in dealing with diversity, follow the Golden
 other religions as well, but this is not done in most cases. Most   Rule. “Do not do unto others what you do not wish others do unto
 exclusivists simply make the assertion that their religion is more   you.” Live and let live.
 superior without doing any comparative study. This is not rational!

 A more reasonable approach would be for the exclusivist to
 admit that they have not done any reasonable in-depth study of   (A speech given to an international audience of youths at Universiti Pendidikan
 all available religions but would like to make the assertion that a   Sultan Idris, in conjunction with the World Interfaith Harmony Week. Organised
 particular religion that they chose or inherited is “the best for me”   by National Unity Department and Global Peace Festival. 7th Feb. 2012)
 simply because that particular religion is most suitable for them.
 This is akin to the language a husband would use of his wife, or a
 boyfriend would use of his girlfriend, “You are the most beautiful
 woman in the world… you are the only woman for me.” Such

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