Page 84 - Applied Buddhism
P. 84
On the other hand, if the global ethic is irrevocable and absolute, There are a multitude of ancillary principles derived from
how many really practice its principles? In the field of ethics, the these four irrevocable principles. It is at such ancillary levels that
gap between what one professes and what one practices had always more conflicting and biased interpretations arise. For example,
remained an ignominy. by denying and condemning sex-change, are we not violating the
human rights of those concerned? Are we not violent?
“The Global Ethic means neither a global ideology, nor
a single global religion transcending all existing religions, While I am aware that the four irrevocable principles do not
nor a mixture of all religions. Humanity is weary of unified cover ancillary principles, over-confining these principles to their
ideologies, and in any case the religions of the world are so original form would render them sterile and socially meaningless.
different in their views of faith and ‘dogmas’, their symbols We must somehow deal with these ancillary principles when
and rites, that a ‘unification’ of them would be meaningless, a teaching the Global Ethic.
distasteful cocktail.
Instead, the Global Ethic seeks to work out what is When teaching Global Ethic, do we have a track record to show
already common to the religions of the world now despite by example what we really mean? Are we prepared to acknowledge
their differences over human conduct, moral values and basic mistakes of the past when dealing with violence and bloodshed in
moral convictions. In other words, the Global Ethic does not the name of religion? If we do not, how are we going to justify
reduce the religions to an ethical minimalism but represents the the principles to our children? Are we prepared to condemn acts of
minimum of what the religions of the world already have in violence perpetrated by fellow religionists?
common now in the ethical sphere. It is not directed against
any one, but invites all, believers and non-believers, to make With these problems at hand, does it mean that one should forget
this ethic their own and act in accordance with it.” about the Global Ethic? No, because of these problems, there is a
greater need to continuously highlight and remind ourselves of the
- Hans Kung Global Ethic, and to teach it to the present and future generations.
I believe that human beings by and large are rational beings. If the
While the four irrevocable principles have been universally Global Ethic is rational, which indeed it is, it will eventually be
accepted for thousands of years, human beings have not been able accepted not only in principle but also in practice.
to follow them whole-heartedly. We have to admit that behavioural
departure from such time-honoured principles have crept into Some of the problems highlighted above are in fact common
religion and forms part of its “dogmas”. Are religionists prepared to problems associated with ethics and the teaching of them, which
re-examine and sacrifice their dogmas in favour of these irrevocable had been dealt with by experts. As I see it, there are no clear and
principles? quick ways of addressing these problems. However, I would like to
offer two suggestions to deal with these issues and problems.
072 Applied Buddhism Applied Buddhism 073