Page 223 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 223
Medicinal plants (PG 101) Level 1 Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD
Time of the day: It has been found that not only the season of the year, but also the
time of the day would affect the active constituents of drugs e.g. digitalis leaves (the
cardiac glycosides are maximum afternoon) and the solanaceous leaves (the
alkaloids are maximum afternoon), the volatile oil containing plants are collected
in the morning.
2- Stage of the development of the plant:
• The percentage of the active constituents of drugs depends on the stage of
maturity and age of the plant, e.g., solanaceous leaves and santonica flowers
are collected from mature plants. Poppy capsules are incised for opium
collection when they are fully grown but still unripe; contains the highest
concentration of morphine.
Collection of leaves: Generally, they are collected at the beginning of the
flowering stage when they are in the healthiest state and contain the optimum
percentage of their active constituents. It's bitter to collect leaves when the weather
is not wet. Collection should be made in dry weather, since wet weather may cause
deterioration and discoloration during the drying process. The methods of collection
vary from one drug to another. In case of senna leaves, the whole plant is cut, and
the leaves are picked off after drying in the sun. Digitalis and coca leaves are
gathered directly from the plants.