Page 167 - PG 504-theoretical notes-phyto-1-2024-2025..
P. 167
Clinical pharmacy PharmD program Third level Phytochemistry-1 (PG-504)
Uses of Glycyrrhizin
• Glycyrrhizin is effective in gastric ulcer treatment,
• It has a cortisone like action in rheumatic arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
• demulcent and expectorant.
• Besides flavoring and sweetening agent.
Identification and quantitative determination of Saponins:
• The foam test: sometimes confusing.
• Hemolysis test.
This is done by placing sliced drug in blood gelatin. The appearance of a clear zone
around the drug is an indication of a positive hemolysis test, and hence confirms the
presence of saponin and could be used as a quantitative test.
Steroidal Glycosides
Cardio-active = Cardiac Glycosides
Cardiac failure can be described as the inability of the heart to pump blood effectively. Thus, cardiac
failures arise from the reduced contractility of heart muscles, especially the ventricles that reduced
heart output but new blood keeps coming in resulting in the increase in heart volume. The heart feels
congested. Hence, the term congestive heart failure.
Uses of cardiac glycosides:
1. Treatment of congestive heart failure (elderly people) and atrial fibrillation.
2. In treatment of atrial tachyarrhythmia (atrial fibrillation).
3. Also to control of ventricular response