Page 237 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 237

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

              a grayish white matrix. The smoothed transverse surface usually shows near the
              periphery  an  occasional  dark  cambium  line,  followed  by  a  radiating  narrow
              xylem, numerous star spots scattered, or in a more or less diffuse ring. Each star
              spot  is  composed  of  a  central  phloem  and  dark  red  lines,  radiating  from  a
              common centre through a grayish-white ground tissue. Pith is large, grayish white,
              with scattered irregular star spots and reddish-brown lines.

              Microscopical Characters
                     Cortex, if present, is very narrow, consisting of polygonal cells containing
              simple or compound starch granules and idioblasts with large cluster crystals of
              calcium oxalate. Phloem, if present, is parenchymatous, traversed by reddish
              brown medullary rays, 2-5 cells wide, with reddish brown contents and showing
              numerous idioblasts with  large  cluster  crystals  of  calcium  oxalate.  Phloem
              parenchyma  contains  starch  granules.  Sieve  tubes,  represented  in  scattered
              groups, mostly obliterated. Xylem, forms a narrow ring within the cambium, and
              is traversed by parenchymatous medullary rays, usually 2-3 cells wide, with
              brownish amorphous contents which are insoluble in alcohol (90%), soluble
              in water and in chloral hydrate T.S. The vessels are non-lignified, isolated or
              in groups, up to 160 mostly 80 µ in diameter, with reticulate, spiral or annular
              thickening. Pith consists mostly of parenchyma and irregularly traversed by star
              shaped, amphivasal, abnormal vascular bundles (star spots), consisting of dark
              reddish  brown  medullary  rays  radiating  through  a  central  grayish-white
              phloem with collapsed sieve tubes and continue through the peripheral xylem.
              The latter consists of slightly wide non-lignified reticulate thickened vessels.
              Mucilaginous cavities may be found in the phloem of the star spots. The root
              shows the same ground tissue calcium oxalate crystals and starch granules as
              the rhizome.

                            T. Cut. in Rhubarb; a, periderm; b, phloem; c, cambium;
                                              d, xylem; e, star spot; f, pith.

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