Page 19 - 2021 Medical Plan SPD
P. 19

Texas Mutual Insurance Company Medical Plan

                 Covered Health      The Amount You Pay     The Amount You Pay     What are the Limitations
                 Care Service        Network                Out-of-Network         & Exceptions?
                                     Equipment (DME),       Equipment (DME),       Equipment (DME), Orthotics
                                     Orthotics and Supplies.  Orthotics and Supplies.  and Supplies.

                                     For diabetes supplies,   For diabetes supplies,
                                     you pay none of the    you pay 40% of the
                                     Allowed Amount.        Allowed Amount.
                 Does the Amount     Network                For diabetes
                 You Pay Apply to                           equipment, Benefits
                 the Out-of-Pocket   For diabetes           will be the same as
                 Limit?              equipment, Benefits    those stated under
                                     will be the same as    Durable Medical
                                     those stated under     Equipment (DME),
                                     Durable Medical        Orthotics and Supplies.
                                     Equipment (DME),
                                     Orthotics and Supplies.  For diabetes supplies,
                                                            Yes Coinsurance
                                     For diabetes supplies,   applies to the Out-of-
                                     Yes Coinsurance        Pocket Limit.
                                     applies to the Out-of-
                                     Pocket Limit.
                 Does the Annual     Network                For diabetes
                 Deductible Apply?                          equipment, Benefits
                                     For diabetes           will be the same as
                                     equipment, Benefits    those stated under
                                     will be the same as    Durable Medical
                                     those stated under     Equipment (DME),
                                     Durable Medical        Orthotics and Supplies.
                                     Equipment (DME),
                                     Orthotics and Supplies.  For diabetes supplies,
                                     For diabetes supplies,

                 Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Orthotics and Supplies
                                               Prior Authorization Requirement

                  For Out-of-Network Benefits you must obtain prior authorization before obtaining any DME that costs
                 more than $1,000 (either retail purchase cost or cumulative retail rental cost of a single item). If you do
                         not obtain prior authorization as required, Benefits will be subject to a $250 reduction.
                 What Is the         Network                40%, after you meet    Benefits are limited to a
                 Copayment or                               the Annual Deductible   single purchase of a type of
                 Coinsurance You     None, after you meet                          DME or orthotic every three
                 Pay? This May       the Annual Deductible                         years. Repair and/or
                 Include a                                                         replacement of DME or
                 Copayment,                                                        orthotics would apply to this
                 Coinsurance or                                                    limit in the same manner as
                 Both.                                                             a purchase. This limit does
                                                                                   not apply to wound

                                                                                   To receive Network
                                                                                   Benefits, you must

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