Page 24 - 2021 Medical Plan SPD
P. 24

Texas Mutual Insurance Company Medical Plan

                 Covered Health      The Amount You Pay     The Amount You Pay     What are the Limitations
                 Care Service        Network                Out-of-Network         & Exceptions?
                 Include a
                 Coinsurance or

                 Does the Amount     Network                Yes
                 You Pay Apply to
                 the Out-of-Pocket   Yes
                 Does the Annual     Network                Yes
                 Deductible Apply?

                 Hospital - Inpatient Stay
                                               Prior Authorization Requirement
                    For Out-of-Network Benefits for a scheduled admission, you must obtain prior authorization five
                  business days before admission, or as soon as is reasonably possible for non-scheduled admissions
                 (including Emergency admissions). If you do not obtain prior authorization as required, Benefits will be
                                                  subject to a $250 reduction.
                   In addition, for Out-of-Network Benefits you must contact the Claims Administrator 24 hours before
                      admission for scheduled admissions or as soon as is reasonably possible for non-scheduled
                                          admissions (including Emergency admissions).

                 What Is the         Network                40% after you pay
                 Copayment or                               $250 copayment per
                 Coinsurance You     20% after you pay      Inpatient Stay
                 Pay? This May       $250 copayment per
                 Include a           Inpatient Stay
                 Coinsurance or
                 Does the Amount     Network                Yes
                 You Pay Apply to
                 the Out-of-Pocket   Yes
                 Does the Annual     Network                Yes
                 Deductible Apply?
                 Lab, X-Ray and Diagnostic - Minor Outpatient Services

                                               Prior Authorization Requirement
                 For Out-of-Network Benefits for Genetic testing and sleep studies, you must obtain prior authorization
                  five business days before scheduled services are received. If you do not obtain prior authorization as
                                       required, Benefits will be subject to a $250 reduction.

                 Lab Testing -       Network                40%                    Limited to 18 Presumptive
                 Outpatient                                                        Drug Tests per year.

               21                                                        Schedule of Benefits Plan Set 008
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