Page 26 - 2021 Medical Plan SPD
P. 26

Texas Mutual Insurance Company Medical Plan

                 Covered Health      The Amount You Pay     The Amount You Pay     What are the Limitations
                 Care Service        Network                Out-of-Network         & Exceptions?
                 Does the Annual     Network                Yes
                 Deductible Apply?

                 Maternity Support – Refer to Clinical Programs and Resources section
                 Mental Health Care and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Services

                                               Prior Authorization Requirement
                 For Out-of-Network Benefits for a scheduled admission for Mental Health Care and Substance-Related
                    and Addictive Disorders Services (including an admission for services at a Residential Treatment
                    facility) you must obtain prior authorization five business days before admission or as soon as is
                        reasonably possible for non-scheduled admissions (including Emergency admissions).
                    In addition, for Out-of-Network Benefits you must obtain prior authorization before the following
                   services are received. Services requiring prior authorization: Partial Hospitalization/Day Treatment;
                    Intensive Outpatient Treatment programs; outpatient electro-convulsive treatment; psychological
                     testing; transcranial magnetic stimulation; extended outpatient treatment visits with or without
                  medication management; Intensive Behavioral Therapy, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
                    If you do not obtain prior authorization as required, Benefits will be subject to a $250 reduction.

                 Inpatient           Network                40% after you pay
                                                            $250 copayment per
                 What Is the         20% after you pay      Inpatient Stay
                 Copayment or
                 Coinsurance You     $250 copayment per
                 Pay? This May       Inpatient Stay
                 Include a
                 Coinsurance or

                 Does the Amount     Network                Yes
                 You Pay Apply to
                 the Out-of-Pocket   Yes

                 Does the Annual     Network                Yes
                 Deductible Apply?
                 Outpatient          Network                40%

                 What Is the         $20 per visit
                 Copayment or
                 Coinsurance You
                 Pay? This May
                 Include a
                 Coinsurance or

                 Does the Amount     Network                Yes
                 You Pay Apply to

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