Page 237 - Understanding Machine Learning
P. 237
Nearest Neighbor
Nearest Neighbor algorithms are among the simplest of all machine learning algo-
rithms. The idea is to memorize the training set and then to predict the label of
any new instance on the basis of the labels of its closest neighbors in the training
set. The rationale behind such a method is based on the assumption that the fea-
tures that are used to describe the domain points are relevant to their labelings in a
way that makes close-by points likely to have the same label. Furthermore, in some
situations, even when the training set is immense, finding a nearest neighbor can
be done extremely fast (for example, when the training set is the entire Web and
distances are based on links).
Note that, in contrast with the algorithmic paradigms that we have discussed
so far, like ERM, SRM, MDL, or RLM, that are determined by some hypothesis
class, H, the Nearest Neighbor method figures out a label on any test point without
searching for a predictor within some predefined class of functions.
In this chapter we describe Nearest Neighbor methods for classification and
regression problems. We analyze their performance for the simple case of binary
classification and discuss the efficiency of implementing these methods.
Throughout the entire chapter we assume that our instance domain, X, is endowed
with a metric function ρ.That is, ρ : X ×X → R is a function that returns the distance
between any two elements of X. For example, if X = R then ρ can be the Euclidean
distance, ρ(x,x ) = x − x = i=1 (x i − x ) .
Let S = (x 1 , y 1 ),...,(x m , y m ) be a sequence of training examples. For each x ∈ X,
let π 1 (x),...,π m (x)beareorderingof {1,...,m} according to their distance to x,
ρ(x,x i ). That is, for all i < m,
ρ(x,x π i (x) ) ≤ ρ(x,x π i+1 (x) ).