Page 254 - fourth year book
P. 254


               B.     Non-Pharmacological management

               Healthy Living with HCV

               An  important  adjunct  to  the  therapy  of  HCV  is  to  advise  chronically
               affected persons of measures that might be helpful in reducing or even
               preventing  further  fibrosis  progression,  independent  of  treatment  and
               live healthy with HCV.

                     Stop tobacco consumption.

                     Healthy eating

                     Encourage physical activity

                     Avoid obesity and Weight Management

                     Avoid alcohol intake

                     Ensure sufficient Sleep

                     Balance Rest and Activity

                     Laughter and Recreation

                     Memory Improvement

                     Positive Thinking

                     Spirituality, Prayer and Meditation

                     Stress Management

                     Substance Use

                     Support Groups

                     Managing fatigue

                     Avoid environmental toxins

                     Hepatitis A and B Vaccination

                     Herbal remedies:

                      ─  No  evidence  for  use  of  Herbal  remedies  in  the  treatment  of
                          patients with acute or chronic HCV infection.

               C.     Surgical management
               You  may  need  surgery  if  you  have  hepatitis  C  for  many  years.  Over

               time, hepatitis C can cause your liver to stop working. If that happens,
               you will need a new liver. The surgery is called a liver transplantation.
               It  involves  taking  out  the  old,  damaged  liver  and  putting  in  a  new,
               healthy one from a donor.

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