Page 256 - fourth year book
P. 256
Goal: Equip nurse graduates who have the knowledge and skills
necessary to provide appropriate nursing care to individuals suffering
from D.M.
Intended Learning Objectives of Course (ILOs)
a. Knowledge and Understanding:
1. Describe etiologic factors associated with diabetes.
2. Identify the diagnostic and clinical significance of blood glucose tests.
3. Identify the role of physical activity in diabetic therapy.
4. Describe the major macro-vascular, micro-vascular complications of
diabetes and the self-care behaviors important in their prevention.
b. Intellectual Skills:
1. Differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
2. Discuss the dietary modifications used for management of people
3. Differentiate between hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and
hyperosmolar non-ketotic syndrome.
c. Professional and Practical Skills
1. Perform compete health assessment for people with diabetes.
2. Develop a plan for teaching insulin self-administration.
3. Develop a meal plan for people with diabetes.
d. General and Transferable Skills:
1. Apply basic principles of health teaching for people with diabetes and
their family.
2. Use nursing process for different health problem.