Page 12 - 2021 OTC Annual Conference Program
P. 12

A Special Message from the President

  To My Ohio Transfer Council (OTC) Colleagues,

  What a year it has been!  You are not only amazing professionals, but you have proven to be educational innovators!  You have
  reinvented yourself time and time again and have demonstrated perseverance in such an unprecedented time.

  One of my favorite Plato quotes is “necessity is the mother of all invention.”  This past year has been a time of invention and
  rethinking the world of transfer education.  It has been an opportunity for us to think outside the box and try solutions to
  seemingly new problems challenging our grit.

  Albert Einstein once said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” The
  world of transfer education has changed because you created solutions to very challenging problems to help your students.
  While it is easy to view this past year as a catastrophe (as it certainly was), we all witnessed and participated in a paradigm shift
  within our profession.  You were a part of this process!

  The Ohio Transfer Council has adapted as well.  This past year we offered a series of monthly virtual events to support members
  on topics relevant to our field.  We were able to do so because of the dedication of the membership to OTC!  We will continue
  our virtual series moving into the future.  The pandemic has reshaped OTC for the better as we will now continue to provide
  virtual seminars that educate the membership base.
  Thank you for your dedication to OTC!  We look forward to serving you this next year and hopefully seeing you face to face!

  Ted R McKown II

  Ted R. McKown, II,
  President, Ohio Transfer Council
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