Page 104 - It Ends with Us
P. 104

He  glanc es  back and  forth  bet ween  us. “Wha t’d I miss?”

                    I  swallow  ha rd,  sha king   my  hea d.  Surely  that   was n’t  real ly  Atlas .  But
                tho se  ey es —hi s  mouth.   I  kno w  it’s  been  yea rs  sinc e  I  saw  hi m,  but  I’ll
                nev er  forget   wha t  he  looked   like.   It had   to  be  hi m.  I  kno w  it  was  and   I
                kno w  he  rec ogni zed   me,   too,  bec ause  the  sec ond   our  ey es   met   .  .  .  it
                looked  like  he’d  seen  a gho st.
                    “Lily?” R yle  says, squeez ing  my ha nd . “You okay?”

                    I  nod  and   force  a  smile,   then    clea r  my  thro at.  “Yep .  We  were    just
                talking  about you,”  I say, glanc ing  back at my mother. “R yle  assisted  in
                an  ei ght een- ho ur surger y thi s week .”
                    My  mother      lea ns   for ward  with   int eres t.  R yle   beg ins   to  tel l  her   all
                about    the   surger y.   Our   water   arri ves ,   but   it’s   a   different    waiter   thi s
                time.   He   asks  if  we’v e   ha d  a  cha nc e   to  go  over   the   menu   and   then
                tel ls   us   the   che f’s   spec ials.   The   three   of   us   order   our   food   and    I’m

                doing     ev er ythi ng    I   can   to   focus,   but   my   attent ion   is   all   over   the
                res taurant    looking    for   Atlas.   I   need   to   regroup.   After   a   few    minu tes ,   I
                lea n  over  to R yle.  “I need  to run  to the  res troom.”
                    He   stands  up  to  let   me   out  and   my  ey es   are   scanni ng   the   face   of
                ev er y  waiter   as  I  make   my  way  across  the     room.  I  push     through     the
                door  to  the  ha llway  tha t  lea ds  to  the  res trooms.  As  soon  as  I’m  alone,

                my  back  meet s  the      wall  of  the   ha llway.  I  lea n   for ward  and   rel ea se   a
                hu ge   brea th.    I   dec ide   to   take   a   moment    and    reg ain   my   composure
                bef ore  hea ding   back  out  there.   I  bring   my  ha nd s  up  to  my  forehea d
                and  close  my ey es .
                    For ni ne  yea rs I’ve  wond ered  wha t ha ppened  to hi m. Year s.
                    I  glanc e  up  and   suck  in  a  brea th.   He’s  stand ing   at  the   end   of  the

                ha llway  like  a  gho st  straight   out  of  the  past.  My  ey es   travel   to  hi s  feet
                to make  sure  he’s no t suspend ed  in  the  air.
                    He  isn’t. He’s rea l, and  he’s stand ing  right  in  front  of me.
                    I stay pres sed  agains t the  wall, no t sure  wha t to say to hi m. “Atlas?”
                    As  soon  as  I  say  hi s  na me,   he  blows  out  a  quick  brea th  of  relief   and
                then    takes   three   hu ge   step s  for ward.  I  catch   mysel f  doing   the   same.

                We  mee t  in  the  middle  and   throw  our  arms  around   ea ch  other.  “Holy
                shi t,” he  says, ho lding  me  in  a tight  em brace.
                    I no d. “Yea h.  Holy shi t.”
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