Page 105 - It Ends with Us
P. 105

He  puts  hi s  ha nd s  on  my  sho ulders   and   takes   a  step   back  to  look  at

                me.  “You ha ven’t cha ng ed  at all.”
                    I  cover   my  mouth     with   my  hand ,  still  in   sho ck,  and   give   hi m  the
                onc e- over.   His   face   looks   the    same,    but   he’s   no    long er   the   scrawny
                teena ger  I remember . “I can’t say the  same  for you.”
                    He  looks  down  at  hi msel f  and   laughs .  “Yea h, ”  he  says.  “Eight   yea rs
                in  the  military will do tha t to ya.”

                    We’re    both   in   sho ck,   so   no thi ng    is   said   right    after   tha t.   We   just
                keep    sha king    our   hea ds   in   disbel ief .   He   laughs    and    the n   I   laugh.
                Fina lly,   he   rel ea ses    my   sho ulders    and    folds   hi s   arms   over    hi s   ches t.
                “Wha t bring s you to Boston?”  he  asks.
                    He  says  it  so  casually,  and   I’m  tha nk ful  for  tha t.  Maybe  he  does n’t
                remember       our  conv ers ation     all  tho se   yea rs  ago  about  Boston,   whi ch
                would save  me  a lot of em barra ssment .

                    “I   live   here, ”   I   say,   forcing    my   ans wer   to   sound    as   casual   as   hi s
                ques tion.  “I own  a flower  sho p over  on  Park Plaza.”
                    He   smiles    kno wing ly,   like   it   does n’t   at   all   surprise   hi m.   I   glanc e
                toward the  door, kno wing  I should get  back out there.  He  notices  and
                then   takes   ano ther  step   back.  He  ho lds  my  gaze  for  a  moment   and   it
                get s  rea lly  quiet.  Way  too  quiet .  There’ s  so  much  to  say  but  nei ther  of

                us  ev en  kno ws  where     to  start.  The  smile  lea ves   hi s  ey es   for  a  moment
                and   the n  he  motions   toward  the  door.  “You  sho uld  probably  get   back
                to  your  company,”  he  says.  “I’ll  look  you  up  somet ime.   You  said  Park
                Plaza, right ?”
                    I no d.
                    He  no ds.
                    The    door   swing s   open    and    a   woman   walks    in   ho lding    a   toddler.

                She   moves   bet ween     us,  whi ch  puts  ev en    more  distanc e  bet ween      us.  I
                take  a step  toward the  door, but he  rem ains  in  the  same  spot. Bef ore  I
                walk  out,  I  turn  back  to  hi m  and   smile.   “It  was  rea lly  good  to  see  you,
                    He  smiles  a little,  but it does n’t touch  hi s ey es . “Yea h.  You too, Lily.”

                                                           •  •  •

                I’m   mostly    quiet    for   the   res t   of   the   mea l.   I’m   no t   sure   R yle   or   my

                mother      ev en   no tice,    tho ugh,    bec ause   she’s   ha ving    no    issue   firi ng
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