Page 106 - It Ends with Us
P. 106

ques tion    after   ques tion   at   hi m.   He   takes    it   like   a   cha mp.   He’s   ver y

                cha rming  with  my mother  in  all the  right  ways.
                    Unex pec ted ly  runni ng   int o  Atlas  toni ght   put  such  a  wrink le  in  my
                em otions , but by the  end  of dinner, R yle  ha s smoothed  them  back out
                    My  mother      takes   her   na pkin  and   wipes   her   mouth,   then    point s  at
                me.  “New  favorite  res taurant ,” she  says. “Inc red ible. ”

                    R yle   no ds.   “I   agree.    I   need    to   bring    Allysa   here.    She   loves   trying
                new  res taurant s.”
                    The   food  rea lly  is  good,  but  the     last  thi ng   I  need   is  for   either   of
                thes e  two to want  to come  back here.  “It was okay,” I say.
                    He   pays   for   our   mea ls,   of   course,    and    then   ins ists   we   walk   my
                mother     to  her   car.  I  can   alrea dy  tel l  she’l l  be   calling   me   about  hi m
                toni ght , simply by the  pridef ul look on  her  face.

                    Onc e  she’s gone,  R yle  walks me  to my car.
                    “I  reques ted   an  Uber  so  you  wouldn’t  ha ve  to  go  out  of  your  way  to
                take   me    ho me.    We   ha ve   approximatel y     .   .   .”   He   looks   down   at   hi s
                pho ne.  “One  and  a ha lf minu tes  to make  out.”
                    I laugh.  He  wraps hi s arms around  me  and  kisses  my nec k firs t, and
                then  my cheek . “I would inv ite  mysel f over, but I ha ve  an  ea rly surger y

                tomorro w      and    I’m   sure   my   patient    would    apprec iate    it   if   I   didn’t
                spend  the  majority of the  ni ght ins ide  you.”
                    I   kiss   hi m   back,   both   disappoint ed    and    rel iev ed    he’s   no t   coming
                over.  “I  ha ve  a  grand   openi ng   in  a  few   days.  I  sho uld  probably  sleep ,
                    “When’ s your nex t day off?” he  says.
                    “Nev er. When’ s yours?”

                    “Nev er.”
                    I  sha ke  my  hea d.  “We’re  doomed .  There’ s  just  too  much  drive  and
                succes s bet ween  the  two of us.”
                    “Tha t  mea ns   the  ho ney moon  pha se  will  last  unt il  we’re      ei ght y,”  he
                says.  “I’ll  come  to  your  grand   openi ng   Friday  and   then  the  four  of  us
                will  go  out  and   cel eb rate. ”  A  car  pulls  up  bes ide  us  and   he  wraps  hi s

                ha nd   in  my  ha ir  and   kisses   me  goodbye.   “Your  mother         is  wond er ful,
                by the  way. Tha nk  you for let ting  me  come  to dinner.”
                    He  backs  away  and   climbs  ins ide  the       car.  I  watch  as  it  pulls  out  of
                the  parking  lot.
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