Page 117 - It Ends with Us
P. 117

The re  ha ve  been  times  I’ve  wondered  if  I  could  ever  al low  myself  to  trust  a

                guy. For the  most par t, I hat e men becau se the  only exam ple I hav e is my fat he r.
                Bu t  spendi ng  al l  thi s  time  with  Atlas   is  chan ging  me.  No t  in  a  hu ge  way,  I
                do n’t  thi nk.  I  still  di strust  most  people.  Bu t  Atlas   is  chan ging  me  enough  to
                believe that  may be he ’s an  exception to the  norm.
                    He  stopped  kissing  me  an d  picked  up  the   bowl  ag ai n.  He  wal ked  it  over  to
                the  opposite counter an d  star ted  spooning do ugh  onto two cookie she ets.

                    “You wan t to know a  trick to cooking with  a  gas  oven?” he  as ked.
                    I’m  not  sure  I  real ly  ever  cared  about  cooking  before,  but  he   someho w  made
                me  wan t  to  know  ever ythi ng  he   knew.  It  might   hav e  been  ho w  hap py  he   looked
                whe n he  tal ked  ab out it.
                    “Gas   ovens  hav e  ho t  spots,”  he   said  as   he   opened  the   oven  do or  an d  put  the
                cookie  she ets  inside .  “You  hav e  to  be  sure  an d   rotat e  the   pan s  so  the y’ll  cook
                evenly.”  He  closed  the   do or  an d  pulled  the   oven  mitt  of f  hi s  han d.   He  tossed  it

                on  the   counter.  “A  pizza  stone  he lps,  too.  If  you  just  keep  it  in  the   oven,  even
                whe n you aren’t bak ing pizza,  it helps eliminat e the  ho t spots.”
                    He   wal ked   over   to   me   an d   plac ed   hi s   han ds    on   eithe r   side    of   me.   The
                electricity  kicked   on  right   as   he   was   pulling  do wn  the   collar   of  my  shi r t.  He
                kissed   the   spot   on   my   sho ulde r   he    al way s   loves   kissing   an d   slowly   slid   hi s
                han ds   up  my  bac k.  I  swear,  sometimes  whe n  he ’s  not  even  he re  I  can   still  feel

                hi s lips on my collar bone.
                    He  was   ab out  to  kiss  me  on  the   mouth  whe n  we  he ard  a  car   pull  into  the
                dr iveway   an d  the   gar ag e  do or  star t  to  open.  I  jumped  of f  the   islan d,   looking
                around  the   kitche n  fran tical ly.  His  han ds   went  up  to  my  che eks  and  he   made
                me look at  hi m.
                    “Keep  an   eye  on  the   cookies.  The y’ll  be  finishe d  in  ab out  twenty  minutes.”
                He  pressed  hi s  lips  to  mine  an d  then  releas ed  me,  rushi ng  to  the   living  room  to

                grab   hi s  bac kpac k.  He  made   it  out  the   bac k  do or  right   whe n  I  he ard  the   engine
                to my fat he r’s car  shu t of f.
                    I  star ted  gat he ring  al l  the   ingredi ents  togethe r  whe n  my  fat he r  wal ked  into
                the  kitchen from the  gar ag e. He looked  around  an d  the n saw  the  light  on in the
                    “Are you cooking?” he  as ked.

                    I  nodde d  becau se  my  he ar t  was   beat ing  so  fas t,  I  was   scared  he ’d  he ar   the
                trembling  in  my  voice  if  I  responde d  out  loud.   I  scrubbed  for  a  moment  at   a
                spot   on   the    counter   that    was    per fectly   clean .   I   cleared   my   throat   an d   sai d,
                “Cookies. I’m bak ing cookies.”
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