Page 15 - It Ends with Us
P. 15

“Your parent s must be  rea l assho les .”

                    One  of them  is. Was . “My father  died  thi s week .”
                    He  glanc es  at me.  “Nice  try. I’m no t falling  for tha t.”
                    “I’m   seri ous.   Tha t’s   why    I   came   up   here   toni ght .   I   thi nk    I   just
                need ed  a good cry.”
                    He   stares   at  me   suspiciously  for    a  moment   to  make       sure   I’m  no t
                pulling  hi s leg . He  does n’t apologize  for  the  blund er. Ins tead, hi s ey es

                grow a little  more  curious, like hi s int rigue  is actually authe nt ic. “Were
                you close?”
                    That ’s  a  har d  question.  I  res t  my  chi n  on  my  arms  and   look  down  at
                the  street   again.  “I  don’t  kno w,”  I  say  with  a  shru g.  “As  hi s  daught er,  I
                loved  hi m. But as a hu man,  I ha ted  hi m.”
                    I  can  feel   hi m  watchi ng   me  for  a  moment ,  and   then  he  says,  “I  like
                tha t. Your ho nes ty.”

                    He likes my ho nesty. I thi nk  I might  be  blushi ng .
                    We’re  both  quiet   again  for  a  whi le,   and   then  he  says,  “Do  you  ev er
                wish  peo ple  were  more  trans parent ?”
                    “How so?”
                    He  picks at a piec e  of chi pped  stucco with  hi s thu mb unt il it brea ks
                loose.   He  flicks  it  over  the  led ge.   “I  feel   like  ev er yone  fakes  who   they

                rea lly  are,   when   deep   down     we’re   all  eq ual  amount s  of  screw ed   up.
                Some  of us are  just bet ter  at hi ding  it tha n  others .”
                    Either   his  hi gh   is  set ting   in,   or  he’s  just  ver y  int rospec tive.  Either
                way,  I’m  okay  with  it.  My  favorite  conv ers ations   are      the   ones   with  no
                rea l ans wers .
                    “I   don’t   thi nk    bei ng    a   little   guarded    is   a   neg ative   thi ng ,”   I   say.
                “Naked  truths  aren’ t always pret ty.”

                    He   stares    at   me   for   a   moment .   “Nak ed   truths ,”   he   rep ea ts.   “I   like
                tha t.”   He   turns   around    and    walks   to   the   middle   of   the   rooftop.   He
                adjusts  the  back  on  one  of  the  patio  loung ers   behi nd   me  and   lowers
                hi msel f  ont o  it.  It’s  the  kind   you  lie  on,   so  he  pulls  hi s  ha nd s  behi nd
                hi s   hea d   and    looks   up   at   the    sky.   I   claim   the   one   nex t   to   hi m   and
                adjust it unt il I’m in  the  same position  as hi m.

                    “Tel l me  a na ked  truth,  Lily.”
                    “Pert aini ng  to wha t?”
                    He    shru gs.    “I   don’t   kno w.    Somet hi ng     you    aren’ t   proud     of.
                Somet hi ng     that    will   make   me   feel    a   little   les s   screw ed    up   on   the
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