Page 27 - It Ends with Us
P. 27

interesting   day    to   write   ab out   yet,   if   you   do n’t   count   the    day    Abigai l   Ivor y

                slap ped  Mr. Car son for looking at  he r cleav ag e.
                    You  remember  a  whi le  bac k  whe n  I  told  you  ab out  Mrs.  Bu rleson  who   lived
                behi nd  us?  She   died  the   night   of  that   big  snowstorm?  My  dad  sai d  she   owed  so
                much    in  tax es  that   he r  dau ght er  was n’t  ab le  to  tak e  ownershi p  of  the   ho use.
                Whi ch   is   fine   by   he r,   I’m   sure,   becau se   the    ho use   was    star ting   to   fal l   ap ar t
                an yway. It probab ly would  hav e been more of a  burde n than  an ythi ng.

                    The   ho use  has   been  empty  since  Mrs.  Bu rleson  di ed,   whi ch  has   been  ab out
                two year s. I know it’s been empty becau se my bedroom windo w looks out over the
                bac kyard,   an d  the re  has n’t  been  a  single  soul  that   goes  in  or  out  of  that   ho use
                since I can  remember.
                    Until las t night .
                    I   was    in   bed   shu f fling   cards .   I   know   that    sounds    weird,    but   it’s   just
                somethi ng  I  do .  I  do n’t  even  know  ho w  to  play   cards .  Bu t  whe n  my  parents  get

                into   fight s,   shu f fling   cards    just   cal ms   me   do wn   sometimes   an d   gives   me
                somethi ng to focus on.
                    Anyway,  it  was   dar k  outside ,  so  I  noticed   the   light   right   aw ay.  It  was n’t
                bright ,  but  it  was  coming  from  that   old  ho use.  It  looked  more  like  can dl elight
                than  an ythi ng, so I went to the  back porch  an d  found  Dad’ s binocular s. I tried
                to see what  was  going on over the re, but I couldn ’t see an ythi ng. It was  way  too

                dar k. The n af ter a  little whi le, the  light  went out.
                    Thi s morning, whe n I was  getting ready  for scho ol, I saw  somethi ng moving
                behi nd  that   ho use.  I  crouche d  do wn  at   my  bedroom  windo w  an d  saw   someone
                sneak ing  out  the   bac k  do or.  It  was   a  guy  an d  he   had   a  bac kpac k.  He  looked
                around  like  he   was   mak ing  sure  no  one  saw   hi m,  an d  the n  he   wal ked  between
                our ho use an d  the  neighb or’s ho use an d  went an d  stood  at  the  bus stop.
                    I’d  never  seen  hi m  before.  It  was   the   first  time  he   rode   my  bus.  He  sat   in  the

                bac k  an d  I  sat   in  the   middl e,  so  I  di dn ’t  tal k  to  hi m.  Bu t  whe n  he  got  of f  the
                bus at  scho ol, I saw  hi m wal k into the  scho ol, so he  must go the re.
                    I   hav e   no   ide a   why    he    was    sleeping   in   that    ho use.   The re’s   probab ly   no
                electricity  or  running  wat er.  I  tho ught   may be  he   di d  it  as   a  dar e,  but  today   he
                got  of f  the  bus  at   the   sam e  stop  as   me.  He  wal ked  do wn  the   street  like  he   was
                going   somewhe re    else,   but   I   ran    strai ght    to   my   room   an d   wat che d   out   the

                windo w.   Sure   enough,    a   few   minutes   lat er,   I   saw    hi m   sneak ing   bac k   inside
                that  empty ho use.
                    I   do n’t   know   if   I   sho uld   say    somethi ng   to   my   mothe r.   I   hat e   to   be   nosy,
                becau se it’s none of my business. Bu t if that  guy do esn’t hav e an ywhe re to go, I
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