Page 69 - It Ends with Us
P. 69


                    He’s  asking   it  like  it’s  a  casual  ques tion,   but  I  kno w  it  isn’t.  When   I
                fail to res pond , he  lea ns  in  until he’s whi speri ng  in  my ea r. He  rep ea ts
                hi msel f, but thi s time  it isn’t a ques tion.  “You brought  a dat e.”
                    I  fin d  the  courage  to  look  over  at  hi m  and   ins tant ly  wish  I  ha dn’t.
                He’s  in  a  black  suit  tha t  makes  the  scrubs  look  like  chi ld’s  play.  First  I
                swallow    the   unex pec ted     lump    in   my   thro at   and    then   I   say,   “Is   it   a

                problem  tha t I brought  a date?”  I look away from hi m and  back at the
                pho tograph  ha ng ing   on  the       wall.  “I  was  trying   to  make  thing s  ea sier
                on  you. You kno w. Just trying  to mak e it stop.”
                    He  smirks  and   then     downs   the  res t  of  hi s  wine.   “How  tho ught ful  of
                you,   Lily.”   He   tosses    hi s   em pty   wineg lass   toward   a   trash   can   in   the
                corner  of  the  room.  He  makes   the  sho t,  but  the  glass  sha tters   when  it
                hi ts  the   bottom  of  the   em pty  cont ainer.  I  glanc e  around   me,   but  no

                one   saw  wha t  just  ha ppened .  When        I  look  back  at  R yle,   he’s  ha lfway
                down  a  ha llway.  He  disappea rs  int o  a  room  and   I  stand   he re,   looking
                at the  picture  again.
                    Tha t’s when  I see  it.
                    The  picture  is  blurred ,  so  it  was  ha rd  to  make  out  at  firs t.  But  I  can
                rec ogni ze   tha t  ha ir  from  any where.   Tha t’s  my  ha ir.  It’s  ha rd   to  miss,

                along   with  the  marine- grade  polymer  loung e  cha ir  I’m  lying   on.   Thi s
                is  the  picture  he   took  on  the   rooftop  the   first  night   we  met.  He  must  ha ve  ha d
                it  blown  up  and   distorted   so  no  one  would  no tice  wha t  it  was.  I  bring
                my    ha nd    to   my   nec k,   bec ause   my   blood   feel s   like   it’s   bubbling .   It’s
                real ly war m in he re.
                    Allysa  appea rs  at  my  side.   “It’s  wei rd,  hu h?”  she  says,  looking   at  the

                    I   scratch   at   my   ches t.   “It’s   rea lly   ho t   in   here, ”   I   say.   “Don’t   you
                thi nk ?”
                    She   glanc es    around    the   room.   “Is   it?   I   ha dn’t   no ticed ,   but   I’m   a
                little  drunk . I’ll tel l Marsha ll to turn  on  the  air.”
                    She   disappea rs     again,    and    the   more   I   stare   at   the   picture,    the
                ang rier  I  get .  The  man  ha s  a  picture  of  me  ha ng ing   in  the  apartment .

                He    bought   me    flowers .  He’s  giving   me      attitude   bec ause   I  brought   a
                date   to   hi s   sister’s   party.   He’s   acting    like   there’ s   actually   somet hi ng
                bet ween  us, and  we’v e  nev er  even  kissed !
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