Page 65 - It Ends with Us
P. 65
Chapter Seven
“Stop fid get ing ,” Dev in says.
“I’m no t fid get ing .”
He loops hi s arm thro ugh mine as he walks me toward the el ev ator.
“Yes , you are. And if you pull tha t top up over your clea vage one more
time, it’ll def ea t the who le purpose of your little black dres s.” He
grabs my top and yank s it back down, and then proceed s to rea ch
ins ide to adjust my bra.
“Dev in! ” I slap hi s ha nd away and he laughs .
“Rel ax, Lily. I’ve touched way bet ter boobs tha n yours and I’m still
“Yea h, but I bet tho se boobs were attached to peo ple you probably
ha ng out with more tha n onc e ev er y six mont hs .”
Dev in laughs . “True, but tha t’s ha lf your fault. You’re the one who
lef t us hi gh and dry to play with flowers .”
Dev in was one of my favorite peo ple at the market ing firm I
worked at, but we weren’ t close eno ugh to where we actively bec ame
friend s outside of work. He stopped by the floral sho p thi s afterno on
and Allysa took to hi m almost immed iatel y. She beg ged hi m to come
to the party with me and sinc e I didn’t rea lly want to sho w up alone, I
end ed up beg ging hi m to come, too.
I smooth my hand s over my hair and try to catch a glimpse of my
refl ec tion in the el ev ator walls.
“Why are you so ner vous?” he asks.
“I’m not ner vous. I just ha te sho wing up to places where I don’t
kno w any one. ”
Dev in smirks kno wing ly and then says, “Wha t’s hi s na me?”
I rel ea se a pent -up brea th. Am I that tran sparent? “R yle. He’s a
neu rosurgeo n. And he want s to ha ve sex with me rea lly, rea lly bad.”
“How do you kno w he want s to ha ve sex with you?”