Page 66 - It Ends with Us
P. 66

“Bec ause  he    litera lly  got  down  on  hi s  knees   and   said,  ‘Pleas e,  Li ly.

                Pleas e hav e sex with  me.’ ”
                    Dev in  raises  an  ey eb row. “He  beg ged ?”
                    I   no d.   “It   wasn’t   as   pathet ic   as   it   sound s.   He’s   usually   more
                composed .”
                    The  el evator  ding s  and   the  doors  beg in  to  open.   I  can  hea r  music
                pouring   from  down  the  ha llway.  Dev in  takes   both  of  my  ha nd s  in  hi s

                and  says, “So wha t’s the  plan?  Do I need  to make  thi s guy jea lous?”
                    “No,”  I say, sha king  my hea d. “Tha t wouldn’t be  right .”  But . . . R yle
                does   make     it  a  point   ev er y  time   he   sees   me   to  tel l  me   he   ho pes   he
                nev er   sees    me   again.    “Maybe   just   a   little?”   I   say,   scrunc hi ng    up   my
                no se.  “A smidge?”
                    Dev in  pops  hi s  jaw  and   says,  “Cons ider  it  done. ”  He  puts  hi s  ha nd
                on  my lower  back as he  walks me  out of the  el ev ator. There’ s onl y one

                visible   door   in   the   ha llway,   so   we   make   our   way   over   and    ring    the
                doorbel l.
                    “Why  is there  onl y one  door?” he  says.
                    “She  owns  the  who le  top floor.”
                    He   chu ckles .   “And    she   works   for   you?   Damn,    your   life   just   keep s
                get ting  more  and  more  int eres ting .”

                    The  door  beg ins   to  open,   and   I’m  ex trem el y  rel iev ed   to  see   Allysa
                stand ing   in   front   of  me.   There’ s  music  and   laught er     pouring   out  of
                the   apartment   behi nd   her.  She’s  ho lding   a  cha mpagne           glass  in   one
                ha nd   and  a  riding   crop  in  the  other.  She  sees   me  staring   at  the  riding
                crop    with   a   conf used    look   on   my    face,    so   she   tosses    it   over   her
                sho ulder    and    grabs   my   ha nd .   “It’s   a   long    story,”   she   says,   laughi ng .
                “Come  in,  come  in! ”

                    She  pulls  me  in  and   I  squeez e  Dev in’s  ha nd   and   drag  hi m  behi nd
                me.    She   cont inu es    pulling    us   thro ugh   a   crowd   of   peo ple   unt il   we
                rea ch   the   othe r  side   of  the   living   room.  “Hey !”  she   says,  tugging   on
                Marsha ll’s  arm.  He  turns   around   and   smiles   at  me,   then        pulls  me  in
                for  a  hu g.  I  glanc e  behi nd   hi m,  and   around   us,  but  there’ s  no   sign  of
                R yle.  May be I got lucky an d  he  got cal led  in to work tonight .

                    Marsha ll    rea ches    out   for   Dev in’s   ha nd    and    sha kes    it.   “Hey,   man!
                Good to meet  you!”
                    Dev in  wraps an  arm around  my waist. “I’m Dev in! ”  he  yel ls over  the
                music. “I’m Lily’s sex ual partner! ”
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