Page 63 - It Ends with Us
P. 63

“Are  you  bring ing   thi s  girl  to  my  birthd ay  party  Friday?”  Allysa  asks

                hi m.
                    I   watch   hi s   rea ction   closel y.   He   just   sha kes    hi s   hea d   and    witho ut
                looking  up he  says, “No. Are  you going , Lily?”
                    I can’t tel l by his voice  alone  if he’s ho ping  I’ll be  there  or  hoping  I
                won’t.    Cons ideri ng    the   stres s   I   seem    to   cause   hi m,   I’m   gues sing    it’s
                the  latter.

                    “I ha ven’t dec ided  yet .”
                    “She’l l   be   there, ”   Allysa   says,   ans weri ng    for   me.    She   looks   at   me
                and   na rro ws  her  ey es .  “You’re   coming   to  my  party  whet her   you  like  it
                or no t. If you don’t sho w up, I’ll quit.”
                    When     R yle  is  fini shed   writing ,  he  tucks  the  card  int o  the  env el ope
                attached   to  the  flowers .  Allysa  ring s  up  hi s  total  and   he  pays  in  cash.
                He  looks  at  me  whi le  he’s  count ing   out  hi s  money.  “Lily,  do  you  kno w

                tha t   it’s   custom   for   a   new    busines s   to   frame   the   firs t   dollar   they
                    I   no d.   Of    course   I   kno w   tha t.   He   knows   I   kno w   tha t.   He’s   just
                rubbing  it in  my face  tha t hi s dollar  will be  the  one  framed  on  my wall
                for   the   life   of   thi s   store.    I   almost   enc ourage   Allysa   to   give   hi m   a
                ref und ,  but  thi s  is  busines s.  I  ha ve  to  lea ve  my  wound ed   pride  out  of

                    Onc e  he  ha s  his  rec ei pt  in  ha nd ,  he  taps  hi s  fis t  on  the  count er  to
                get   my  attent ion.   He  dips  hi s  hea d  a  little  and ,  with  a  genu ine  smile,
                he  says, “Cong ratulations , Lily.”
                    He   turns    and    walks   out   of   the   store.    As   soon   as   the   door   closes
                behi nd   hi m,  Allysa  is  grabbing   for  the     env el ope.   “Who   in  the   hel l  is
                he   send ing    flowers     to?”   she    says   as   she   pulls   the   card   out.   “R yle

                does n’t send flowers .”
                    She  rea ds the  front  of the  card out loud. “Make  it stop.”
                    Holy shi t.
                    She   stares   at  it  for  a  moment ,  rep ea ting   the   phra se.   “Mak e  it  stop?
                Wha t in  the  hel l does  tha t ev en  mean ?” she  asks.
                    I  can’t  take  it  ano ther   sec ond .  I  grab  the  card  from  her    and   flip  it

                over. She  lea ns  over  and  rea ds the  back of it with  me.
                    “He  is  such  an  idiot,”  she  says  with  a  laugh.   “He  wrote  the  addres s
                to our floral sho p on  the  back.” She  takes  the  card out of my ha nd s.
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