Page 60 - It Ends with Us
P. 60
Now I’ll be the one plagued with sleep les s ni ght s, bec ause I want to
put thi s mem ory on rep ea t.
“I have to go,” he says. “I’m rea lly late. But one—I ’m sorr y. Two—
I’ll nev er do this again. Thi s is the last you’ll hea r from me, I promise.
And three—I’m real ly sorr y. You ha ve no idea .”
I force a smile, but I want to frown bec ause I absolutel y hated hi s
nu mber two. I actually don’t mind if he tries thi s again, but then I
remi nd mysel f tha t we want two different thi ng s from life. And it’s
good tha t he fel l asleep and we nev er ev en kissed , bec ause if I would
ha ve ha d sex with hi m whi le he was wea ring scrubs, I would ha ve been
the one sho wing up at hi s door on my knees , beg ging for more.
Thi s is good. Rip the Band -Aid off and let hi m lea ve.
“Have a ni ce life, R yle. I wish you all the succes s in the world.”
He does n’t res pond to my goodbye. He silent ly stares down at me
with somew ha t of a frown, and then says, “Yea h. You too, Lily.”
Then he rolls away from me and stand s up. I can’t ev en look at hi m
right no w, so I roll ont o my side so tha t my back is to hi m. I listen as
he puts hi s sho es on and the n rea ches for hi s pho ne. There’ s a long
pause bef ore he moves again, and I kno w it’s bec ause he was staring at
me. I squeez e my ey es shu t until I hea r the slam of the front door.
My face immed iatel y grows warm, and I ref use to allow mysel f to
mope. I force mysel f off the bed . I ha ve work to do. I can’t be upset
tha t I’m no t eno ugh to make a guy want to rem ap all of hi s life goals.
Bes ides , I ha ve my own life goals to worr y about no w. And I’m rea lly
ex cited about them. So much so, tha t I rea lly don’t ha ve time for a
guy in my life, any way.
No time.
Busy girl, here.
I am a brave and bold busines swoman with zero fucks to give for
men in scrubs.