Page 59 - It Ends with Us
P. 59
You’ve got to be kiddi ng me.
I drop down ont o the bed , no t ev en caring if I wake hi m. I just
spent an ent ire ho ur get ting rea dy for hi m after busting my ass today,
and thi s is ho w he trea ts thi s ni ght ?
I can’t be mad at hi m, tho ugh, es pec ially seei ng ho w pea cef ul he
looks. I can’t imagine working a forty-ei ght -ho ur shi ft. Plus, my bed is
rea lly comfortable. It’s so comfortable, it could make a pers on fall
right back to sleep after a full ni ght of res t. I sho uld hav e war ned hi m
ab out that .
I chec k the time on my pho ne and it’s almost 10:30 p.m. I put the
pho ne on silent and then lie down nex t to hi m. His pho ne is on the
pillow nex t to his hea d, so I grab it and swipe up the camera option. I
ho ld hi s pho ne above us and make sure my clea vage looks good and
pushed toget he r. I sna p a picture so he’l l at lea st see wha t he missed
out on.
I turn off the light and laugh to mysel f, bec ause I’m falling asleep
nex t to a ha lf-na ked man tha t I’ve nev er ev en kissed .
• • •
I can feel hi s fing ers trailing up my arm bef ore I ev en open my ey es . I
force back a tired smile and pret end I’m still sleep ing . His fing ers trail
over my sho ulder and stop at my collarbone, just bef ore they rea ch
my nec k. I ha ve a small tattoo there tha t I got in colleg e. It’s a simple
outline of a he art tha t’s slight ly open at the top. I can feel hi s fing ers
circle around the tattoo, and then he lea ns for ward and pres ses hi s
lips agains t it. I squeez e my ey es shu t ev en tight er.
“Lily,” he whi spers , wrapping an arm around my waist. I moan a
little, trying to wake up, and then roll ont o my back so tha t I can look
up at hi m. When I open my eyes , he’s staring down at me. I can tel l by
the way the sunl ight shi nes thro ugh my wind ows and across hi s face
tha t it’s no t ev en sev en a.m. yet .
“I am the most des picable man you’ve ev er met . Am I right ?”
I laugh, and no d a little. “Pret ty damn close. ”
He smiles and then brushes my ha ir off my face. He lea ns for ward
and pres ses hi s lips to my forehea d, and I ha te tha t he just did tha t.