Page 54 - It Ends with Us
P. 54

Chapter Five

                R yle   was   correc t.   It   onl y   took   a   few    days   for   my   ank le   to   feel    good
                eno ugh     tha t   I   could   walk   on   it   again.    I   waited    a   full   week    bef ore
                attem pting   to  lea ve  my  apartment ,  tho ugh.   The  last  thi ng   I  need   is  to
                rei nj ure  it.

                    Of  course    the   firs t  place   I  went   was  to  my  floral  sho p.  Allysa  was
                there    when    I  arri ved   today,  and   to  say  I  was  sho cked   whe n   I  walked
                thro ugh  the  front   doors  is  an  und ers tatem ent .  It  looked   like  a  totally
                different   building   tha n  the     one   I  bought .  There’ s  still  a  ton  of  work
                tha t  need s  to  be  done,   but  she  and   Marsha ll  ha d  gotten  rid  of  all  the

                stuff   we   marked     as   trash.    Ever ythi ng    el se   ha d   been   organi zed    int o
                piles .  The   wind ows  ha d  been   washed ,  the       floors  ha d  been     mopped .
                She  ev en  ha d the  area  where  I plan  to put an  offic e  clea ned  out.
                    I   hel ped    her   for   a   few    ho urs   today,   but   she   wouldn’t   let    me   do
                much  that  req uired   walking   at  firs t,  so  I  mostly  drew   out  plans   for  the
                store.  We  picked  out paint  colors and  set  a goal date  to open  the  store
                tha t’s   approximatel y     fif ty-four   days   from   no w.   After   she   lef t,   I   spent

                the  nex t few  ho urs doing  all the  stuff she  wouldn’t let  me  do whi le  she
                was there.  It fel t good to be  back. But Jesus Chr ist, I’m tired .
                    Whi ch  is  why   I’m  deb ating   on  whet her      or  no t  to  get   up  from  the
                couch  and   ans wer  the  kno ck  at  my  front   door.  Lucy  is  at  Alex ’s  again
                toni ght  and  I just spoke  to my mother  fiv e  minu tes  ago on  the  pho ne,
                so I kno w it isn’t ei ther  of them.

                    I   walk   to   the   door   and    chec k   the   peep ho le   bef ore   openi ng    it.   I
                don’t  rec ogni ze    hi m  at  firs t,  bec ause   hi s  hea d  is  down,   but  then    he
                looks up and  to the  right  and  my hea rt frea ks the  hel l out!
                    What  is he  do ing he re?
                    R yle  knocks  again,   and   I  try  to  brush  my  ha ir  out  of  my  face  and
                smooth  it  down  with  my  ha nd s,  but  it’s  a  lost  cause.   I  worked   my  ass
                off  today  and   I  look  like  shi t,  so  unl es s  I  ha ve  ha lf  an  ho ur  to  take  a
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