Page 67 - It Ends with Us
P. 67
I laugh and el bow hi m, then lea n in to hi s ea r. “Tha t’s Marsha ll.
Wrong guy, but ni ce ef fort.”
Allysa grabs my arm and starts to pull me away from Dev in.
Marsha ll beg ins spea king to him, and my ha nd is rea chi ng out behi nd
me as I’m bei ng pulled in the opposite direc tion.
“You’ll be fine! ” Dev in yel ls.
I follow Allysa int o the kitchen, where she sho ves a glass of
cha mpagne in my ha nd . “Drink,” she says. “You des er ve it!”
I take a sip of the cha mpagne, but I can’t ev en apprec iate it no w
tha t I’m get ting a look at he r ind ustrial-sized kitchen with two full
stovet ops and a fridge bigger tha n my apartment . “Holy shi t,” I
whi sper. “You actually live here?”
She giggles . “I kno w,” she says. “And to thi nk , I didn’t ev en ha ve to
marr y hi m for money. Marshall ha d sev en bucks and drove a Ford
Pint o when I fel l in love with him.”
“Does n’t he still drive a Ford Pint o?”
She sighs . “Yea h, but we ha ve a lot of good mem ories in tha t car.”
She wiggles her ey eb rows. “So . . . Dev in is cute. ”
“And probably more int o Marsha ll tha n me. ”
“Ah, man, ” she says. “Tha t’s a bummer. I tho ught I was playing
matchm aker when I inv ited hi m to the party toni ght .”
The kitchen door opens and Dev in walks in. “Your hu sband is
looking for you,” he says to Allysa. She twirls her way out of the
kitchen, giggling the who le time. “I rea lly like her,” Dev in says.
“She’s grea t, hu h?”
He lea ns agains t the island and says, “So. I thi nk I just met The
Beg gar.”
My hea rt flutters down my ches t. I thi nk The Ne urosurgeon ha s a
bet ter ring to it. I take ano ther sip of my cha mpagne. “How do you
kno w it was hi m? Did he int roduce hi msel f?”
He sha kes hi s hea d. “Nah, but he overhea rd Marsha ll int roducing
me to someo ne as ‘Li ly’s dat e.’ I tho ught the look he gave me was
going to set me on fire. Tha t’s why I came in here. I like you, but I’m
no t willing to die for you.”
I laugh. “Don’t worr y, I’m sure tha t dea th glare he gave you was
rea lly hi s smile. They ’re superi mposed most of the time. ”