Page 84 - It Ends with Us
P. 84

“It  grew  on  its  own,”  I  sai d.   “Most  plan ts  do   need  a  lot  of  care  to  sur vive.

                Bu t   some   thi ngs,   like   trees,   are   strong   enough   to   do    it   by   just   relying   on
                the mselves an d  nobody  else.”
                    I  had   no  ide a  if  he   knew  what   I  was   tr ying  to  say   witho ut  me  coming  out
                an d   say ing  it.  But  I  just  wan ted  hi m  to  know  that   I  tho ught   he   was   strong
                enough  to  sur vive  what ever  was   going  on  in  hi s  life.  I  di dn ’t  know  hi m  well,
                but  I  could  tell  he  was   resilient.  Way   more  than   I  would  ever  be  if  I  were  in  hi s

                situat ion.
                    His  eyes  were  glued   to  the   tree.  It  was   a   long  time  before  he   even  blinked.
                Whe n  he   final ly  di d,   he   just  nodde d  a  little  an d  looked  do wn  at   the   gras s.  I
                tho ught    with   the    way    hi s   mouth   twitche d   that    he    was    ab out   to   frown,   but
                instead  he  ac tual ly smiled  a  little.
                    Seeing  that   smile  made   my  he ar t  feel  like  I  had  just  star tled  it  right   out  of  a
                de ad  sleep.

                    “We’re just al ike,” he  sai d,  repeat ing hi mself from ear lier.
                    “Plan ts an d  hu man s?” I as ked.
                    He sho ok hi s he ad.  “No . Me an d  you.”
                    I  gas ped,   Ellen.  I  ho pe  he   di dn ’t  notice,  but  I  de finitely  sucked  in  a  rush  of
                ai r. Be cau se what  the  he ck was  I supposed  to say  to that ?
                    I  just  sat   the re,  real ly  aw kward  an d  quiet  until  he   stood  up.  He  turned  like

                he  was  ab out to wal k ho me.
                    “Atlas , wai t.”
                    He  glan ced  bac k  do wn  at   me.  I  pointed  at   hi s  han ds   an d  sai d,   “You  might
                wan t   to   tak e   a   quick   sho wer   before   you   go   bac k.   Compost   is   made    from   cow
                man ure.”
                    He  lifted  hi s  han ds   an d  looked  down  at   the m  an d  the n  he   looked  do wn  at
                hi s compost-covered  clothe s.

                    “Cow man ure? Seriously?”
                    I grinned an d  nodde d.  He lau ghe d  a  little an d  the n before I knew it, he  was
                on   the    ground   next   to   me,   wiping   hi s   han ds    al l   over   me.   We   were   both
                lau ghi ng  as   he   reac he d  to  the   bag  next  to  us  an d  stuck  hi s  han d  inside ,  the n
                smeared  it do wn my ar ms.
                    Ellen,  I  am   confide nt  that   the   next  sentence  I  am   ab out  to  write  has   never

                been written or spoken al oud  before.
                    Whe n   he    was    wiping   that    cow   shi t   on   me,   it   was    quite   possibly   the    most
                turned- on I hav e ever been.
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