Page 83 - It Ends with Us
P. 83

Atlas   is  the   first  friend  I’ve  ever  had   that ’s  ever  been  inside   my  ho use.  He’s

                al so  the   first  friend  to  know  ho w  much  I  like  to  garde n.  And  now  he ’s  the   first
                friend  to ever as k me why  I garde n.
                    I  reac he d  do wn  an d  pulled  at   a  weed  an d  star ted  tear ing  it  into  little  pieces
                whi le I tho ught  ab out hi s question.
                    “Whe n  I  was   ten,  my  mothe r  got  me  a  subscription  to  a  website  cal led  Seeds
                Anonymous,”  I  sai d.   “Ever y  month  I  would  get  an   unmar ked  pac kag e  of  seeds

                in   the    mai l   with   instructions   on   ho w   to   plan t   the m   an d   care   for   the m.   I
                wouldn ’t  know  what   I  was   growing  until  it  cam e  up  out  of  the   ground.   Ever y
                day   af ter  scho ol  I’d  run  strai ght   to  the   bac kyard  to  see  the   progress.  It  gav e  me
                somethi ng to look for ward  to. Growing thi ngs felt like a  reward. ”
                    I could  feel Atlas  star ing at  me whe n he  as ked,  “A reward  for what ?”
                    I  shr ugged.   “For  loving  my  plan ts  the   right   way.  Plan ts  reward  you  bas ed
                on  the   am ount  of  love  you  sho w  the m.  If  you’re  cruel  to  the m  or  neglect  the m,

                the y  give  you  nothi ng.  Bu t  if  you  care  for  the m  an d  love  the m  the   right   way,
                the y   reward   you   with   gifts   in   the   form   of   vegetab les   or   fruits   or   flowers.”   I
                looked  do wn at  the weed  I was  tearing ap ar t in my han ds  an d  the re was  barely
                an  inch  left of it. I wadde d  it up between my fingers an d  flicked  it.
                    I  didn ’t  wan t  to  look  over  at   Atlas   becau se  I  could  still  feel  hi m  star ing,  so
                instead,  I just stared  out over my mulch- covered  garde n.

                    “We’re just al ike,” he  sai d.
                    My eyes flicked  to hi s. “Me an d  you?”
                    He  sho ok  hi s  he ad.   “No .  Plan ts  an d  hu man s.  Plan ts  need  to  be  loved  the
                right  way in orde r to sur vive. So do hu man s. We rely on our parents from bir th
                to love us enough  to keep us al ive. And  if our parents sho w us the  right  kind  of
                love, we turn out as  better hu man s overal l. Bu t if we’re neglected  . . .”
                    His  voice  grew  quiet.  Almost  sad .  He  wiped  hi s  han ds   on  hi s  knees,  tr ying

                to   get   some   of   the    di r t   of f.   “If   we’re   neglected,    we   end   up   ho meless   an d
                incap ab le of an ythi ng mean ingful.”
                    His  words  made   my  he ar t  feel  like  the   mulch  he   had   just  lai d  out.  I  di dn ’t
                even know what  to say  to that . Does he  real ly thi nk that  ab out hi mself?
                    He ac ted  like he  was  ab out to get up, but before he  di d  I sai d  hi s nam e.
                    He  sat   bac k  do wn  in  the   gras s.  I  pointed  at   the   row  of  trees  that   lined  the

                fence  to  the   left  of  the   yard.   “You  see  that   tree  over  the re?”  In  the   middl e  of  the
                row of trees was  an  oak  tree that  stood  tal ler than  al l the  rest of the  trees.
                    Atlas  glan ced  over at  it an d  dr ag ged  hi s eyes al l the  way  up to the  top of the
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