Page 78 - It Ends with Us
P. 78

Allysa  ho ps  off  the  count er  and   carri es   her  mug  to  the  sink .  “She’s

                my frien d, R yle.  You don’t ha ve  the  bes t track rec ord when  it comes  to
                rel ations hi ps.”   She   washes   out  the   mug  and   then      lea ns   her   hi p  int o
                the   sink ,   facing    us.   “As   her   friend,   I   ha ve   the   right    to   give   he r   my
                opini on  when  it comes  to the  guys she  dates . Tha t’s wha t friend s do .”
                    I’m   suddenl y    feel ing    unc omfortable     as   the   tens ion   grows   thi cker
                bet ween  the  two  of  them.   R yle  does n’t  ev en  take  a  drink   of  hi s  coffee.

                He    walks   toward    Allysa   and    pours   it   out   in   the   sink .   He’s   stand ing
                right   in   front   of  her,  but  she   won’t  ev en   look  at  hi m.  “Wel l,  as  your
                brothe r,  I  would  ho pe  you  ha d  a  little  more     faith   in   me  tha n   you  do.
                Tha t’s wha t siblings do.”
                    He   walks   out   of   the   kitchen,    sho ving    the   door   open.    Wh en   he’s
                gone,   Allysa  takes   a  deep   brea th.   She   sha kes   her   hea d  and   pulls  her
                ha nd s  up  to  her   face.   “Sorr y  about  tha t,”  she  says,  forcing   a  smile.   “I

                need  to sho wer.”
                    “You don’t ha ve  peo ple  for tha t?”
                    She  laughs   as  she  ex its  the  kitchen.   I  wash  my  mug  in  the  sink   and
                hea d  back  to  R yle’s  bed room.  When         I  open   the   door,  he’s  sitting   on
                the   couch,    scrolling    thro ugh    hi s   pho ne.    He   does n’t   look   up   at   me
                when  I  walk  in  and   for  a  sec ond ,  I  thi nk   he  might   be  mad  at  me,   too.

                But then  he  tosses  hi s pho ne  aside  and  lea ns  back int o the  couch.
                    “Come  here, ” he  says.
                    He  grabs  my  hand   and   pulls  me  down          on   top  of  hi m  so  tha t  I’m
                straddling   hi m.  He  bring s  my  mouth  to  hi s  and   kisses   me  so  ha rd,  it
                makes  me  wond er  if he’s trying to prove  hi s sister  wrong .
                    R yle  pulls  away  from  my  mouth  and   slowly  rakes   hi s  ey es   down  my
                body. “I like  you in  my clothes .”

                    I  smile.   “Wel l  I  ha ve  to  get   to  work,  so  unf ortuna tel y,  I  can’t  keep
                them  on. ”
                    He    brushes     the   ha ir   from   my    face   and    says,   “I   ha ve   a   rea lly
                important      surger y    coming     up   tha t   I   need    to   prep are   for.   Whi ch
                mea ns  I probably won’t see  you for a few  days.”
                    I  try  to  hi de  my  disappoint ment ,  but  I  ha ve  to  get   used   to  it  if  he

                rea lly want s to try and  make  somet hi ng  work bet ween  us. He’s alrea dy
                warned   me  tha t  he  works  too  much.   “I’m  busy,  too.  Grand   openi ng   is
                on  Friday.”
                    He  says, “Oh,  I’ll see  you bef ore  Friday. Promise. ”
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