Page 77 - It Ends with Us
P. 77

I  sigh,   rel iev ed .  “Plea se.   I  ha te  thi s.”  I  face  her  and   take  a  sip  of  my

                coffee.  She  set s hers  down  bes ide  her  and  then  grips the  count ert op.
                    “How did tha t ev en  hap pen?”
                    I  sha ke  my  hea d,  trying   my  bes t  no t  to  smile  like  I’m  love- struck.  I
                don’t  want   her    to  thi nk   I’m  wea k,  or  a  fool  for  giving   in  to  hi m.  “We
                met  bef ore  I knew  you.”
                    She   tilts  her   hea d.  “Wait,”   she   says.  “Bef ore   we   got  to  know  ea ch

                other  better or bef ore  we  knew  ea ch  other  at al l?”
                    “At   all,”   I   say.   “We   ha d   a   moment    one   ni ght ,   about   six   mont hs
                bef ore  I met  you.”
                    “A moment ?” she  says. “As in        . . . a one- ni ght  stand ?”
                    “No,”  I  say.  “No,  we  nev er  ev en  kissed   unt il  last  ni ght .  I  don’t  kno w,
                I  can’t  ex plain  it.  We  just  ha d  thi s  sort  of  flirtation  thi ng   going   on  for
                a rea lly long  time  and  it fina lly came  to a hea d last ni ght . Tha t’s all.”

                    She   picks  up  her    coffee   again  and   takes   a  slow  drink   from  it.  She
                stares   down    at  the   floor   for   a  whi le   and   I  can’t  hel p  but  no tice   she
                looks a little  sad.
                    “Allysa? You’re  no t mad at me,  are  you?”
                    She   immed iatel y     sha kes    her   hea d.   “No,   Lily.   I   just   .   .   .”   She   set s
                down  her  coffee  cup  again.   “I  just  kno w  my  brother.  And   I  love  hi m.  I

                rea lly do. But . . .”
                    “But wha t?”
                    Allysa and  I both  look in  the  direc tion  of the  voice.  R yle  is stand ing
                in  the   door way  with  hi s  arms  folded   across  hi s  ches t.  He’s  wea ring   a
                pair  of  gray  jogging   pant s  tha t  are  barel y  ha ng ing   on  to  hi s  hi ps.  No
                shi rt. I’ll be addi ng thi s outfit to al l the  othe r ones I’ve cat al ogued  in my he ad.
                    R yle   pushes   off  the   door  and   makes   hi s  way  int o  the   kitchen.   He

                walks    over   to   me   and    takes    my   cup   of   coffee   out   of   my   ha nd s.   He
                lea ns   in  and   kisses   me  on  the  forehea d,  then  takes   a  drink   as  he  lea ns
                agains t the  count er.
                    “I   didn’t   mea n   to   int erru pt,”   he   says   to   Allysa.   “By   all   mea ns ,
                cont inu e  your conv ers ation. ”
                    Allysa rolls her  ey es  and  says, “Stop.”

                    He  ha nd s  me  back  my  cup  of  coffee  and   turns   around   to  grab  hi s
                own  mug. He  beg ins  to pour  from the  pot. “It sound ed  to me  like  you
                were  about  to  give  Lily  a  warni ng .  I’m  just  curious  as  to  wha t  you  ha ve
                to say.”
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