Page 12 - Poze Magazine Volume 42--Digital
P. 12

TonyBoi has opened up for such names                      settles for anything less than giving

       as The O'Jays, Taylor Dayne, 5th                          100% of himself to deliver a
       Dimension, The Jackson Southerners,                       professional, uncompromising

       The Williams Brothers, The Mighty                         performance from beginning to end.
       Clouds of Joy and Shirley Caesar.
       When working with TonyBoi’s                               Decades By Dezyne,

       charismatic personality, his infectious                   Dezyne has been performing for over
       energy will be the first thing you                        twelve years throughout the New

       notice followed by his steadfast                          England area. The band is well known
       attention to detail. Tonyboi is always                    for their vast musical repertoire,
       striving for perfection, this is reflected                powerful vocals, high energy

       in his work ethic, whether in the studio                  choreography, wardrobe changes, and
       or on the stage. Tonyboi never                            instrumental expertise.
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