Page 13 - Poze Magazine Volume 42--Digital
P. 13

Austin Original Music, written in Austin, recorded in
        Austin at Perfect Pitch Studio, mastered in Austin by
        HawkeHaven Music, played in Austin, videos by
        Relative Circle Multimedia Group in Austin.

    Twenty years ago in Austin           After doing this ten years,
    Texas, the Word man met              the Word man and the                 They decided they wanted to
    the Music man and became             Music man decided they               make their mark, leave a legacy,
    friends.    They bounced in          weren’t satisfied being flesh        so the Word man and the Music
    and out of bands together.           and blood mp3 players any            man decided to combine the

    Ten years ago they decided           longer. Because you know, if         words with the music and make
    to form their own band.              you don’t        do your own         originals. Sadly their bass player
    They spoke to two of their           music all you are is a flesh         and their drummer couldn’t see
    friends, one on bass and one         and blood mp3 player. There          the same vision.              So Atlas
    on drums, and became a               are tens of thousands of             Shrugged and the bass player and

    classic rock bar fly band.           bands just like that.                drummer were let go.
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