Page 71 - Poze Magazine Volume 70
P. 71

20 SEPTEMBER                                                                               2030

          Carl Green                                       In 1981, Carl started his first Band performing five

           ‘The Music Man’                                 nights a week at the El Rancho Tropicana in Santa

                                                           Rosa. The multi-instrumentalist in the band on 6
                                                           instruments, he mastered the Pedal Steel Guitar,
      Carl Green is a multidimensional instrument
      impresario. Music is his joy and life. He attended   Banjo, Electric Acoustic Guitar, Fiddle, Tenor
                                                           Saxophone, Harmonicas, and Vocals. On the
      Montgomery High School in Santa Rosa, CA, Class
                                                           administrative side, Carl made all the band
      of 1975 and colleges at Sonoma State University in
      Rohnert Park, CA, for 3 years as a Music major on    bookings. After 1 year, Carl joined a Casino Lounge
      Trumpet and Tenor Saxophone. Santa Rosa Junior       band called the Leland's in Reno, Nevada
                                                           performing 6 nights a week for 14 months in the
      College was his next stop, studying Music, Voice
                                                           Casinos of Nevada!
      and Drama.

                                                           In 1983 he started his 2nd band with his brother
                                                           Paul Green. The following year they performed for
      He pursued a Career in Music with his first Big-time
                                                           two years every Friday and Saturday as a Duo,
      gig backing up Country Superstar Freddy Fender
      on Pedal Steel Guitar and Harmonica at the Sonoma    Carl & Paul Green, at Jeremiah's Restaurant and
      County Fair in 1978. That's when he decided to       one year every Sunday and Monday at the
                                                           Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa. They performed for
      pursue music as a profession.
                                                           36 years until Covid hit.
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