Page 73 - Poze Magazine Volume 70
P. 73

Poze Magazine

                            CARL GREEN

                                           THE MUSIC MAN

         At  the  end  of  the  evening,  the
         ship's captain that delivered all
         the  Toyota  cars  invited  my
         brother  and  me  on  the  Toyota
         ship just docked down the road
         from  the  Sundowner  Saloon
         within  walking  distance.  All  the
         young  drunk  sailors  and  the
         captain  returned  to  the  ship
         while  my  brother  and  I  packed
         up our equipment and went to
         the  ship,  where  the  captain      one of the young sailors blurts     NEIGHBORHOOD
         gave  us  a  tour  and  late-night   out while pointing his finger at    He  moved  here  in  1986,  where
         soup  at  3  am.  The  captain  and  the TV, "Sundowner!                 he could play the horns and not
         all   the    20    sailors   were    Sundowner"! They all had a          bother  people.  It  was  a  home
         respectful, and as they gave us      big laugh because that was          base to give music lessons and
         nice  warm  soup,  they  played  a   their idea of what the              rehearse,  Which  he  no  longer
         video  on  the  TV!  The  video      Sundowner Saloon was like.          does since the pandemic 2020.
         occurred at a Country Western        My brother and I left the ship      "What I enjoy about living in my
         Bar  with  a  Cowboy  and  a         about 5 am and drove back to        neighborhood  is  that  it's  quiet.
         beautiful waitress playing pool.     Santa Rosa, about an hour's         All  my  neighbors  are  friendly
         When  the  Cowboy  got  friendly     drive."                             and like to get along. I live close
         with the waitress,                                                       to  the  park  and  close  to  two
                                                                                  fast food places,
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